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Popular Science: The new planet is habitable for the human brain during sleep: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – There are articles from the channel Okezone science which is widely read by netizens. And the most popular of last week, ranging from “New habitable planets” to “Human brains while they sleep”.

Scientists discover a potentially habitable new planet

A number of scientists have discovered two new planets that have unique characteristics. The planet, which is about 100 light-years from Earth, is said to be potentially habitable and capable of sustaining life.

According to what Metro reported, on Tuesday (9/13/2022), the two planets were discovered by an international team of scientists led by astrophysicist Laetitia Delrez. The first planet is called TOI-4306, while the second planet is LP 890-9c.

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3 hybrid crossbreed animals, one of them is a jaguar with a lion

The crossing between species in the animal kingdom is very rare, because most of them tend to interact with their own kind.

Even so, hybrid animals or crosses still exist, and of course thanks to human intervention. They usually live in captivity which is used for research materials.

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This is why Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin is lined with lead

Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin is known to be lined with lead, as are Princess Diana and Prince Philip. So what is the reason behind it?

Quoted by IFLscience, Thursday (9/15/2022), the tradition of using tin-lined coffins has been going on for hundreds of years, meaning it has become something of a tradition for the royal family.

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What happens to the human brain while it sleeps? This is the scientific explanation

The human brain is a great mystery that is difficult to solve. Scientists are still learning how the brain can function, even when humans are asleep, completely dead, or if other activities are being performed.

And recent research from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) found that the brain still sends out certain waves of activity during sleep. This is why when humans sleep they can dream.

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