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Politics: Benavides asks Congress not to point out that discharge to a

The Minister of Education, Martín Benavides, asked the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic not to refer as “irregular” to the licensing processes that were carried out in the National Superintendency of Higher University Education (Sunedu), during his presentation to respond to a interpellation document.

“I ask, please, not to point out again that here all these processes were made on the basis of irregularities because there was no irregularity in these licensing processes, as I have demonstrated in the answer to the 33 questions they asked me”He said in the interpellation session on Thursday.

Likewise, Martin Benavides reiterated that the Sunedu Board of Directors is “An autonomous, independent, technical, who has acted according to law”, so there was no “No irregularity in any of the procedures.”

He added that this can be verified in the technical licensing reports that are “Public and transparent”.

The Minister of Education also highlighted that both Peruvian universities and the university system “they have improved” and now there is “Universities that meet the requirements of law” and that they have permanent supervision of the use of resources.

“Sunedu has managed to sanction private universities for misuse of resources, there were approximately more than 400 million soles that were misused and Sunedu has sanctioned those universities and did not shake his hand to do so in a context where it was certainly difficult to take decisions, but decisions were made “, said.

Finally, Martin Benavides detailed that the university reform process has advanced and “Is about to consolidate”.

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