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Political polls, the center-right arrives in trouble at the vote in Abruzzo: FdI loses more than anyone. Surge of the Democratic Party

On the eve of the vote for the regional elections in Abruzzo, the center-right appears breathless. There is a minus sign in the polls for all parties in the government coalition. But the most marked decline is for the prime minister’s team: according to the supermedia Agi/Youtrend, obtained on the basis of polls of the last two weeks, Fratelli d’Italia loses half a percentage point compared to the previous fifteen days. It therefore confirms itself in first place but drops to 27.6%, accentuating the negative trend that pushed it below the 28% threshold.

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by Serenella Mattera

A sort of Sardinia effect that had been predicted by pollsters already following the knockout at the Regionals, when Paolo Truzzo had marked the first electoral flop for Giorgia Meloni. A price that involves, in different proportions, Matteo Salvini – also dealing with internal protests in the Northern League – e Antonio Tajani: the League loses two tenths and now falls to 8.1%, a slight decline for Forza Italia which is at 7.5%. The party founded by Silvio Berlusconi he loses just one tenth and thus ends up nibbling on something in the Carroccio, in the internal coalition derby.

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Instead, it is the center-left who smiles and above all Elly Schlein: after the vote in Sardinia, the Democratic Party gained half a percentage point, mirroring the prime minister’s party, and now presents itself in Abruzzo at above 20% on a national basis. The data relating to the M5S is positive, but more limited, as it takes advantage of the wake guaranteed by the result on the pentastellata island Alessandra Todd bringing to Giuseppe Conte a tenth worth 16.3%.

Among the other parties, it remains stuck on the threshold of 4% useful for the European Action elections Carlo Calenda, the Green Left Alliance stands a tenth higher. Italia Viva by Matteo Renzi it is at 3.2%, +Europe at 2.7%.

#Political #polls #centerright #arrives #trouble #vote #Abruzzo #FdI #loses #Surge #Democratic #Party
– 2024-04-22 13:03:55

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