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Policeman beaten by a woman who refused to wear a protective mask, in Galați

A local policeman from Galati was beaten by a woman, dissatisfied that he drew her attention to wearing a protective mask while she was in a bus stop. The local policeman needed medical care, and now the woman is being investigated for outrage, Rador reports.

According to the spokesperson of the Galați Local Police, Aurelia Bogatu Matei, the incident happened on November 3, 2021, when the patrol of local police officers noticed that the 44-year-old woman was heading to the bus station, in a heavily trafficked area of the city of Galați, without wearing a protective mask.

“At the request of one of the policemen to respect the norms provided by the alert state, respectively the wearing of the mask, she became agitated, uttering insults to the local policemen, and refused to present the identity document, wanting to leave the scene. Local police officers tried to prevent her from leaving the place without identifying herself, at which point one of the law enforcement officers was punched in the face by her, causing injuries for which the coroner provided her with medical care for days (ENT condition). ). After the incident, the person in question was taken to Section no. 2 National Police, where she was hardly identified. Two sanctions were applied to him, according to Law no. 61/1991, for uttering insults, refusal of identification and according to Law no. 55/2020, for the lack of wearing a sanitary protection mask. At the same time, the procedural documents for ascertaining the outrage were drawn up “, the representative of the Local Police also quoted by the RRA correspondent[aufostîntocmiteacteleproceduraledeconstatareaultrajului”amaitransmisreprezentantulPolițieiLocalecitatdecorespondentulRRA

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