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Police report Franconian Switzerland from April 10th, 2021

Press report from the Bamberg City Police Department from April 10, 2021

BAM­BERG. A young man was seen in a supermarket in the east of Bamberg at 9:50 a.m. put various foods, spirits and cosmetic products in a backpack and went to the cash register. There he took a pair of sunglasses, put them on his nose and paid for a can of liver sausage. In the store’s office, goods worth 76.64 euros were then pulled out of the backpack. The man had to return the goods, he is awaiting a report of shoplifting.

BAM­BERG. On Friday around 2 p.m., the right wing mirror of a DHL vehicle in Eckbertstrasse at number 5 was damaged. The van was parked on the sidewalk in the opposite direction of travel. The person who caused the accident did not take care of the claims settlement and left on the spot. The amount of damage is approx. 200 euros. Information is requested from the Bamberg-Stadt police station on 0951/9129210.

BAM­BERG. A total of 12 young people were found on the night from Friday to Saturday who were illegally staying in the city after 10 p.m. for no good reason. All were reported according to the Infection Protection Act and can expect hefty fines.

BAM­BERG. On Friday afternoon, two young men could be stopped at traffic controls, both of whom showed typical drug-related deficits. One was on a scooter, the other on an e-scooter. Blood samples were taken in the hospital. Both of them were prevented from continuing their journey.

Press report from the Bamberg-Land police station from April 10th, 2021

BREI­TEN­GÜß­BACH. Information about the perpetrator (s) can be obtained from the Bamberg-Land police station on Tel.-No. 0951 / 9129-310 counter to a bicycle theft. Two MTBs were stolen from the injured party in the night from Thursday to Friday, which were parked in the courtyard of his property on Lichtenfelser Strasse. The two bicycles must have been lifted over the locked gate. The theft damage to the two strikingly painted mountain bikes from the Focus brand is estimated at several thousand euros.

PETT­STADT. Because of property damage to a motor vehicle, the Bamberg-Land police inspectorate is investigating an incident that was caused on the night of Wednesday to Thursday. Here, the right front tire of an Audi A3 parked on Erlacher Strasse was damaged. The property damage is estimated at around 150 euros. References to the perpetrator (s) are available on tel. 0951 / 9129-310 accepted.

BAU­NACH. Property damage of around 10,000 euros was caused in a traffic accident that occurred on Friday morning. A 23-year-old VW Golf driver was driving on federal highway 279 and overtook a tractor driving ahead. When cutting back in, there was a collision with a VW bus with a trailer, which in turn had driven in front of the tractor. All drivers involved were uninjured.

SCHAM­MELS­DORF. A 57-year-old noticed a dent in the driver’s door of her Opel Adam when she came back to her vehicle from a restaurant on Kremmeldorfer Strasse on Friday evening. She only picked up the food she had ordered, so that the time of the accident can be limited to the period from 6.30 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. References to the person who caused the accident are available on Tel.-No. 0951 / 9129-310 requested.

Press report from the Bamberg Traffic Police Department from April 10th, 2021

HIRSCHAID. A 25-year-old was found on Friday morning in the center of the village by a patrol of the traffic police on a pedelec that had been reported stolen since 2018. Since he gave contradicting information about the origin of the two-wheeler during the inspection, the vehicle was seized and investigations into theft and stolen goods were initiated.

HIRSCHAID. On Friday afternoon, a 39-year-old man met the veil investigators on the motorway along the canal on a motorcycle without an official license plate. The patrol immediately recognized the man due to previous incidents and was able to find him immediately afterwards in a nearby property. His attempt to disguise the journey by throwing away the vehicle key failed. The two-wheeler was seized and a complaint was made for driving without a license, as well as violations of registration / insurance and tax regulations.

Press report from the police station Bayreuth-Stadt from April 10th, 2021


Press report of the police station Bayreuth-Land from April 10th, 2021


Press report from the Forchheim police station from April 10th, 2021

NINE CHURCHES ON THE FIRE. LKR. FORCHHEIM. A 75-year-old customer of a supermarket on Weyhausenstrasse was stolen from a previously unknown person on Friday afternoon from 11.45 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., the wallet from her jacket pocket. Witnesses who made suspicious observations in Weyhausenstrasse during the period in question are asked to contact the police on 09191/70900

Press report from the Ebermannstadt police station from April 10th, 2021

PRETZ­FELD. A vehicle driver from the Forchheim district was subjected to a traffic control in Pretzfeld during the night from Friday to Saturday. Due to typical drug failure symptoms and a positive drug test, a blood sample was ordered and carried out in the Ebermannstadt hospital. The car driver must expect a report and a driving ban.

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