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Podcast: Joe Biden may be facing the most decisive week of his presidency

Two huge bills are in the works in Congress. An infrastructure plan with much-needed investment in American bridges, roads, public buildings, etc. More than $1 trillion will be released for this. The plan has already passed the Senate with support from both parties. Only the House has to vote and then the landmark legislation can go to Joe Biden for signature.

But Democrats have tied the approval of that infrastructure bill to the approval of a second even larger plan worth, currently, more than $3.5 trillion. A social investment plan, social infrastructure as the Democrats like to call it. These include child benefits, free pre-school education, expansion of health insurance and investments to combat global warming.

The Democrats want to pass this law without the Republicans. But that certainly doesn’t make the situation any easier. Because with the very tight majorities of the Democrats in the House and Senate, that means just about every Democrat gets along. That is currently not the case. Moderate and progressive Democrats, each with their own wishes, are creating a deadlock. At stake: President Biden’s legacy.

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