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PNP seized 150 stolen cell phones in San Juan de Lurigancho

The National Police transferred the seized equipment and seized persons to the headquarters of the State Security Directorate.

The National Police of Peru (PNP) carried out a mega operation against the illegal sale of cell phones of dubious origin, where they seized 150 of these devices and detained 11 people in the María Auxiliadora Traders Association market, located at 12 Canto Avenue. Grande, in San Juan de Lurigancho.

This action was carried out by agents of the State Security Directorate after previous intelligence work, which made it possible to detect that these devices were sold in at least 25 standswhich operated under the guise of providing technical service for cell phone repair and sale of accessories.

The authorities also found a laptop that contained programs to change the IMEI, 200 SIM cards from different mobile operators and 15 activated chips, ready to be marketed.

In addition, it is presumed that equipment unlocking, flashing and IMEI cloning were carried out at these sales positions. It should be noted that, of the 150 cell phones seized, 16 were reported as stolen in the database of the Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications (Osiptel).

Due to these indications, the detainees will be investigated by the against assets, under the modality of reception; as well as for marketing adulterated cellular equipment modified in IMEI and for the crime of changing and adulterating IMEI.

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– 2024-05-13 12:02:44

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