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Plumber Anouar: “These are my secret tips to save gas”

Anouar has been a plumber for almost 25 years. He has two companies and is now a star on YouTube. He shares his secret tricks to save gas.

Ooh, secret tips to save gas, we want to know more about that.
“One of the most important things you can do or have done is set up your installation. This ensures that each radiator receives the correct amount of water and, for example, does not become too hot. A poorly configured central heating system uses more gas, sometimes up to 20 percent more. Very bad and bad for the environment. You can – if you watch my videos – do it yourself.

And of course the following also applies: do not turn on the heating in the rooms where you are not, use draft strips, put on a warm sweater and snuggle up against your partner.”

Why did you start YouTube?
“Actually in a corny mood. We were finishing a big project, it was the last day. And I thought: I’m going to film how to properly seal a kitchen. When I watched later, it turned out that the video had a million views!”

You were an instant influencer!
“Haha, no, I thought: that’s not for me. And I was also way too busy with my business. But a few years later I still started posting some videos. I’ve been regularly posting a DIY video for about two years now. Ever since I made videos about how people can save gas, I’m growing fast on YouTube.”

Why do you think it is such a success?
“I use simple language, so that everyone understands what to do. And in most videos there is also some humor. Most DIY videos are very serious. So I think a combination of good information and being myself. Not only do-it-yourselfers watch, but also novice mechanics. My videos are even used in schools.

Do you also earn money with it?
“Yes, something. That goes without saying if you have a lot of views, through advertisements. And in addition, more and more companies are asking if I want to promote their products. I only do that with products that I already work with and I really have to stand behind it. It shouldn’t be TelSell. I want to teach people something, so I also want them to really benefit from the products I show.”

And what’s so great about being a plumber?
“It’s such a versatile profession, you have to master a lot of skills. You must be able to install gas installations, central heating systems, sewers and you must master roofing work. So you can never get bored. You also meet a lot of people, which makes working more fun and I have even made friendships from that. It is also very nice that you can help people out if their heating is not working or if they have a leak or blockage. To solve those problems you have to be resourceful and creative. That makes it cool.”

I almost get excited about it, unfortunately I’m not handy at all.
“Well, there is a real shortage of plumbers and installation engineers. If you want a job guarantee, you have to do this job. Because we will all go off gas in the coming years, the demand for good people will only increase. If you want to earn good money and help protect Mother Earth, this might be the job for you.”

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