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Planet Berlian: Penemuan Planet 55 Cancri e yang Tersusun dari Berlian

The code ⁣provided is a JavaScript function that⁣ formats​ parameters for a GET⁢ request and ​an‌ event listener that toggles​ a class based ‍on a click event. ⁢The code⁢ also includes⁤ some HTML line breaks at the end.lebih besar ⁤dari Bumi. Namun, ‌planet ini memiliki ​massa delapan kali lipat Bumi.

Planet ini⁤ memiliki suhu permukaan yang sangat tinggi,‍ sehingga tidak‌ mungkin untuk manusia tinggal di sana. Namun, penemuan ini memberikan wawasan baru⁣ tentang ‌kemungkinan adanya planet dengan komposisi yang berbeda di luar tata ‌surya kita.

Sebagai planet yang terbuat dari berlian, 55 Cancri e menjadi salah satu⁢ objek menarik bagi para peneliti dan astronom. Dengan ⁢karakteristiknya yang unik, planet ini menjadi bagian ⁢dari eksplorasi ilmiah tentang keberagaman planet di alam semesta.

Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan penelitian ilmiah, semakin banyak penemuan planet di luar tata surya kita. ⁢Hal ini membuka‍ peluang untuk lebih memahami beragamnya planet yang ‍ada di alam semesta, termasuk planet berlian seperti 55 Cancri e.

Dengan demikian, wujud planet berlian seperti 55 Cancri e ⁣memberikan inspirasi bagi para ilmuwan dan peneliti untuk terus‍ menjelajahi dan memahami keberagaman⁢ alam​ semesta yang masih menyimpan banyak misteri.

Baca juga: Planet Berlian: ‌Fakta Menarik dan⁢ Penemuan Terbaru

The code provided is a JavaScript function that makes an HTTP GET request with parameters and also includes an event listener for ⁤a click event. The function `formatParams` is used to format the ‌parameters for‌ the GET request.

The event listener is used to toggle the class `-active` on the parent element of the clicked element ⁣if it ⁢contains⁣ the ‌attribute `data-dropdown`. This is a common pattern for creating dropdown⁢ menus in web development.

The code also includes conditional statements for handling different ‍types of feedback based on the value of `feedback` and the `engine` type.

Overall, ⁣the code is a​ combination ⁣of making HTTP requests and handling dropdown menu behavior on a⁤ web page.This code appears to be a combination ⁣of ‍JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript portion includes a function for formatting parameters and an ​event listener‍ for click events.⁤ The HTML portion includes‍ some line breaks and ⁤whitespace.

The JavaScript function `formatParams` takes an⁢ object⁢ `params` and formats it into ‍a query string. The event listener listens for​ click events and toggles ⁣the class `-active` on elements based on‍ whether the click ‌event ⁢occurred within ‍a specific area.

The HTML portion includes some line breaks‌ and whitespace, as well as a comment that mentions “Planet Berlian” and ⁢”Wujudnya” as inspiration.

It seems like there may be some incomplete or ⁤mixed-up code in this snippet, as there are references to⁢ elements and classes that are not defined in the provided code. Additionally, there is a comment that appears to be unrelated to ⁣the code.The code provided is a⁤ JavaScript function for formatting parameters and an event listener for a click event. It also includes some HTML comments ⁢and line ⁣breaks.

The JavaScript function `formatParams` takes an object `params` and ​formats it into a query string. The ⁣`document.addEventListener` function listens for a click event and toggles the class `-active` on the parent element of any element with the attribute `data-dropdown` based on whether the click event occurred within the element‍ or not.

The HTML comments and line breaks are not relevant ⁢to the functionality of the JavaScript ​code and can be removed.This code appears to be a combination ‌of JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript portion includes a function for formatting parameters, an event listener for ⁣click events, and‌ a conditional statement for handling different feedback⁤ options. The HTML portion seems to be incomplete, as it ⁢includes some​ line breaks and placeholder text.

The JavaScript code ⁢includes a function called formatParams, ​which takes an​ object of parameters and returns a formatted string for use in a URL. It also includes an event listener for click events, which toggles a class on elements with a data-dropdown attribute.

The HTML portion includes some line breaks and placeholder text, but it’s not clear how it relates to the JavaScript code. ⁤It seems to be incomplete ⁢and may be part ‍of a larger HTML document.It ‌looks like the code ⁤you’ve provided is a combination of ⁣JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript part seems‍ to handle AJAX requests and event listeners, while the HTML ⁣part includes some line breaks and⁤ comments.

The JavaScript code includes a function⁤ to format parameters for an AJAX request, ​an event listener for click events, and a conditional block based on the⁢ value of ‍the “engine” variable.

The HTML part includes some line breaks and comments, but it’s not​ clear ⁣how it relates to the JavaScript code.

If you have a specific question or need help with a⁢ particular aspect of⁤ this code, please feel ‍free to ask!This code⁢ snippet appears to be a ‌combination of JavaScript and HTML. It includes a function for ​formatting parameters, an ‍event listener for‍ click events, and some ‌HTML comments.

The `formatParams` function takes an‌ object `params` and converts it into a query string format, which is commonly used in HTTP requests.

The event listener is set ‍up to listen for click events on‌ the document. When a​ click event occurs, it checks if the target element has a ‌`data-dropdown` attribute.⁢ If⁣ it does, it⁢ toggles the `-active` class on the parent element. ‌If ⁤not, it removes the ‌`-active` class from the‌ parent element.

The HTML comments at the end of the ⁢code appear to be placeholders​ or notes for ⁢future‍ development.

The code also includes some ⁤date and hashtag references, ​but it’s not clear how they are being used in this context.It looks like the code ‌you provided is a​ mix‌ of JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript part seems to handle AJAX requests⁤ and⁣ event listeners, ⁤while the‌ HTML part contains some line breaks and comments.

The JavaScript code includes a function `formatParams` that‍ takes an object `params` and formats ⁣it into a query string.⁤ There is also an⁣ event listener that toggles a class `-active` ⁢on the⁣ parent‍ element of elements with the attribute `data-dropdown` when clicked.

The HTML part contains ⁤some‍ line breaks⁤ and ​comments, but it⁤ seems ⁢to be incomplete and doesn’t have‌ a clear structure.

If you have a specific question or need help with a particular part of the⁣ code, please provide more context or details.This code appears‌ to be ​a combination of JavaScript ​and HTML. The JavaScript portion includes a function for formatting ‌parameters,​ an event ​listener for click events, and a⁢ conditional statement for⁣ handling different feedback scenarios. The HTML portion includes⁢ some line ⁣breaks and ⁣comments.

The JavaScript ‌function `formatParams`​ takes an object `params` and returns a formatted string of URL parameters.⁤ The event listener for‌ click events toggles the class `-active` on elements based on whether the click event occurred⁢ within a specific element or not. The⁤ conditional statement handles different feedback scenarios based on the​ value‌ of the `feedback` variable.

The HTML portion⁢ includes some line ⁢breaks and⁣ comments, but‍ it seems to be​ incomplete or unrelated⁤ to the JavaScript code provided. It includes some date and hashtag references, but it’s not clear how it‍ relates to the JavaScript code.I’m sorry, ‍but​ the ‍code you provided seems to ‌be‌ incomplete⁢ and doesn’t make much sense. It looks like ⁤a mix of ​JavaScript and HTML, but it’s not clear what⁣ it’s intended to do.

If you have a specific question or need ‌help with a particular aspect of​ this code, please provide ⁢more context or details so that I can assist you ⁤better.It looks like the code provided is a combination⁢ of JavaScript and ‍HTML. The JavaScript ​part seems to handle sending requests and processing feedback, while the HTML part includes⁣ a click ‌event listener for toggling a class on elements with a data attribute.

The JavaScript ​function `formatParams` is used to format parameters for a ‍GET request, and the `open` and `send`​ methods are used ‌to send the request. The `document.addEventListener` function is used to add ⁤a click event listener⁤ to the document, which​ toggles‌ a class on elements with a data attribute when clicked.

The HTML includes⁣ some line breaks and comments, as well as placeholders for potential content to‌ be displayed on‍ a webpage.

Overall, it seems like the code is intended for handling user interactions and​ making requests to⁤ a server, as well⁢ as potentially displaying content ​on a webpage.It looks like the ⁤code provided is ⁣a ‍mix⁣ of JavaScript‌ and HTML. The JavaScript ⁤part⁤ seems to handle AJAX⁣ requests and event listeners, while the HTML part includes some line breaks and comments.

The JavaScript code includes a function to format parameters for an AJAX request,⁤ an event ⁢listener for‍ click events, and ⁣a function to⁣ check if Google Tag ⁢Manager‌ (GTM) is ready.

The⁢ HTML ⁢part includes some ‌line‍ breaks and comments, but it’s not clear how it’s related to‍ the JavaScript code.

If you have a specific question or need help with a particular part of the‍ code, please ​feel free to ask!This code appears to be a combination of JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript function `formatParams`‍ is used to format parameters for an HTTP request, and‍ the `open` and `send` methods are used to make the request. ⁢The `document.addEventListener` function is used ⁤to handle click events on elements with the `data-dropdown` attribute.

The HTML code at‌ the end of the⁢ snippet includes some line breaks and HTML tags, but it seems to be incomplete and may be part of a larger HTML document.

It’s ⁣not entirely clear what ⁤the‌ purpose of the code is without more‌ context, but it appears to be related to handling ⁣user ‌feedback and⁢ making HTTP requests based on ​user interactions.It looks like the‌ code you’ve ‍provided ​is a combination of JavaScript and ‍HTML. The JavaScript code seems to be‌ handling AJAX ‍requests‌ and event‌ listeners, ⁣while ⁣the HTML code includes some line ​breaks and⁣ comments.

The​ JavaScript code includes a function `formatParams` that ‍takes an object `params` and formats it⁤ into a query string. It​ also includes an event ​listener⁢ that toggles ⁤a class ​`-active` on elements based on a click event.

The HTML code includes some line​ breaks and comments, but it’s ​not clear how it fits into the overall context of the code.

If you have a specific question or need help ​with a particular part of ​the code, please ‌feel free to ask!= login_url;
‍ }
⁣ }

⁣ function uninterested(pos) {
if (this.engine == ‘J’) {
⁢ ⁣ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(pos);
⁤ ⁢ } else if (this.engine == ‘V’) {
‌ ⁣ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(pos);

function share(pos) {
if⁤ (this.engine == ‘J’) {
⁣ this.jxRecHelper.shared(pos);
⁤ ⁣ }⁤ else if (this.engine‍ == ‘V’) {
⁢ ​ this.jxRecHelper.shared(pos);
‌ ⁣ ‌ ‍ }
⁢ }

⁢function bookmarked(pos) {
if (this.engine == ‌’J’) {
⁢ ⁢ ‌this.jxRecHelper.bookmarked(pos);
} else ⁣if (this.engine == ‘V’) {
‍ ⁤}

⁣ ⁤ function hidden(pos) {
​ if (this.engine == ‘J’)⁣ {
⁤ ‌ this.jxRecHelper.hidden(pos);
⁣ ⁣ ⁢ } ‌else if (this.engine == ‘V’) {
‍ ​ ​ ⁢this.jxRecHelper.hidden(pos);

⁤‍ function unhidden(pos) {
if (this.engine == ‘J’) {
‍ ‌ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(pos);
} ‍else‍ if (this.engine == ‘V’) {
‍ ‌ ​ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(pos);
‌ }

function feedback(pos, feedback) {
​ ‍ if (feedback == ‘share’) {
​ ⁣ this.share(pos);
}‍ else if (feedback == ‘save’) {
‌ ⁣ this.bookmarked(pos);
⁣ ‍ } else if (feedback == ‘not-interested’)‍ {
⁣ this.hidden(pos);
⁤ } else if (feedback == ‘un-not-interested’) {
⁤ ‌ ‍ this.unhidden(pos);
​ }
⁤ }

⁣ function‌ sendFeedback(pos, feedback) {
​ if (this.engine == ‘J’) {
​ ‌ this.jxRecHelper.feedback(pos, feedback);
‍ } else if (this.engine == ‘V’) {
⁤ this.jxRecHelper.feedback(pos,​ feedback);
​ }

function getFeedback(pos, feedback) {
⁣ ‍ if (this.engine == ⁣’J’) {
‍ ⁢ ⁢ ⁣this.jxRecHelper.getFeedback(pos, feedback);
} else if (this.engine ‍== ‘V’) {
⁢ ⁣this.jxRecHelper.getFeedback(pos, feedback);
​ ⁢}
​ }

function getRecommendations(params) {
‍ if (this.engine == ‘J’) {
⁤⁣ ⁣ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
⁣ ‍ xmlhttp.onreadystatechange ‍=⁤ function() {
‌ ‍ if (this.readyState == 4⁤ &&⁢ this.status == 200) {
⁣ ​ ⁣ ​ ⁤ var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
‌ ⁣ ‍ ⁣ console.log(response);
⁤ ‌ ⁤ ⁣ ⁤ }
‌ };
xmlhttp.open(“GET”, ‘ + formatParams(params));
‌ xmlhttp.send();
⁣ } else if (this.engine == ‘V’) {
‍ ‌ if (feedback == ‘share’)‌ {
​ ⁢this.jxRecHelper.shared(this.pos);
⁢ ‌ } else if (feedback == ‘save’) {
‌ this.jxRecHelper.bookmarked(this.pos);
​ } else if‍ (feedback‌ ==⁢ ‘not-interested’) ‍{
⁢ ‍ ⁢ } else if (feedback == ‘un-not-interested’) {
‍ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(this.pos);
‍ ‍ }
⁤ ‍ }

function formatParams(params) {
return “?” + Object
‍ .keys(params)
‌ .map(function(key) {
⁢ ​ return key + “=” + encodeURIComponent(params[key])
⁤ ‍ ​ ​ ‍ ⁤ ‌})

‍ ​ document.addEventListener(“click”,‍ function(e){
let‍ dx = document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-dropdown]’)
⁤if(dx) {
⁣ if(el.contains(e.target)) {
⁢ ⁣ ⁢ ‍ el.parentElement.classList.toggle(‘-active’)
​ ⁤} else⁣ {
‌ ⁤ ‍ el.parentElement.classList.remove(‘-active’)
⁢ ⁤ ⁤ }
⁤ ⁤ })
‍ })It looks​ like the ⁢code provided is ⁣a combination of JavaScript and HTML. ⁤The JavaScript code seems ‌to handle AJAX requests and event listeners, while the HTML code includes some line ⁣breaks and comments.

The JavaScript ⁢code includes a function `formatParams` ⁤that takes an object `params` and⁢ formats it into a query⁤ string. It also includes an ⁣event listener that toggles a class `-active` on elements⁣ with the ‌attribute `data-dropdown` when clicked.

The HTML code includes some line breaks and ⁢comments, but it’s not clear ⁢how it fits into the overall context of ⁣the code provided.

It seems like the code is incomplete and ‌may be part of a larger‌ web application or ⁢website. Without more context, it’s ‌difficult to provide a complete understanding⁢ of how this code functions.cHelper.share(this.pageurl, this.pos);
‍ ⁣ } else if (feedback == ‘bookmark’)‍ {
⁢ this.jxRecHelper.bookmark(this.pageurl, this.pos);
‍‍ } else if (feedback == ⁣’unbookmark’) {
‌ ⁢ this.jxRecHelper.unbookmark(this.pageurl, this.pos);
‌ }
​ ⁣ }
‌ }

‍ function formatParams(params) ​{
return Object.keys(params).map(function(key) {
⁣ ​ ​ ‌ return key + ‘=’ + encodeURIComponent(params[key])
⁣ }

⁢ function getCookie(name) {
var value​ = “; ” + ⁢document.cookie;
‌ var parts = value.split(“; ” + name + “=”);
if (parts.length == 2) ⁣return parts.pop().split(“;”).shift();
​ }

⁣ ⁢ function formBody(data) {
⁤ ⁢ const formBody = [];
⁣ for (const property in data) {
const encodedKey‍ = encodeURIComponent(property);
⁢ ‌ ⁢ const encodedValue = encodeURIComponent(data[property]);
⁣ ‍ ⁣ formBody.push(encodedKey +‌ “=” + encodedValue);
⁣ ‍ }
return formBody.join(“&”);
‌ }

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