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Pineapple Nutrition and 7 Benefits for Health

BANGKAPOS.COM – Pineapple is a fruit that does not know the season.

This refreshing sweet and sour fruit can be easily found all the time.

Not only can it be eaten directly, pineapple also often processed into various types and forms of other foods, such as jam, syrup, and sweets.

Behind the delicious fruit that comes from this bush plant, pineapple have variety nutrition which is beneficial for health.

In terms of nutritional content, fruit pineapple among others, have a source of regulating substances, i.e. vitamin and minerals that are needed by the body.

Nutrient content pineapple

Launch Live Science, here are the facts nutrition contained within pineapple raw (165 grams of material), according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

* Calories: 74

* Total fat: 0 g

* Cholesterol: 0 mg

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