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Pescara, entrepreneur arrested for bankruptcy

An entrepreneur from the Pescara area, well known in the jam packaging sector, with companies and brands known nationally and internationally, ends up in handcuffs, submerged by a swirling round of false papers, with a six-figure crash. The accusation is of fraudulent bankruptcy and tax crimes, for which the seals were placed on a complex of assets, including current accounts, machinery, equipment and company shares, for a total value of over 5.5 million euros.

The false assignment

The operations began at first light. During the investigations, conducted by the Pescara provincial economic-financial police unit, coordinated by the competent prosecutor’s office, an enormous amount of administrative-accounting documentation acquired following numerous cross-checks was analysed. According to the investigators, the administrator would have in fact emptied the indebted companies and those in judicial liquidation of the company assets, simulating their transfer, with false contracts, to a chain of production partners, based in the Chieti area, in the Molise area and in Naples, attributable to the same administrator.

The brother’s “clean” society

The money transfers that would have occurred over and over again over time would have allowed, among other things, the continuation of the productive activity of a clean company, not burdened by tax liabilities and formally administered by the brother of the entrepreneur, who also ended up among the suspects.

#Pescara #entrepreneur #arrested #bankruptcy
– 2024-04-03 22:27:47

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