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Pele left the hospital but will have to undergo chemotherapy


Paul Rouget, Media365: published on Friday 01 October 2021 at 1:09 p.m.

While Pelé, operated on for a suspicious tumor in the colon, was able to leave the Sao Paulo hospital where he had been since the end of August on Thursday, the legendary Brazilian footballer (80 years old) will have to undergo chemotherapy.

Pele (80) was able to leave the Albert Einstein hospital in Sao Paulo on Thursday, where he was admitted on August 31 due to a suspicious tumor in the colon. “Edson Arantes do Nascimento was released from the hospital on Thursday morning. His state of health is stable and he will undergo chemotherapy after his operation to remove a tumor in the colon on September 4,” the establishment announced. in a press release. Back home, King Pelé, considered one of the greatest footballers in history, reassured his (many) fans via a message posted on his social networks. “When the road is difficult, celebrate every step of the way. Focus on your happiness. It’s true that I can’t jump anymore, but lately I’ve raised my fist more often than usual. I am very happy to come home, “he wrote.

Sometimes alarmist rumors

Wednesday, his daughter, Kely Nascimento, had announced that his illustrious father was going to be discharged from the hospital, and that he had “regained his strength”. The fact remains that little is finally known about the state of health of the legendary Brazilian player. In particular because few official bulletins have been published by the Paulista hospital, which has given rise to many rumors, sometimes alarmist, in Brazil. And the result of the biopsy of this tumor has still not been made public. Oncologist Marco Saramago, who works in Rio de Janeiro, wanted to be reassuring to AFP, but all the same mentioned a possible cancer. “His tumor probably has aggressiveness factors. The positive point is that colon cancer, even with metastases, can be treated,” he said.


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