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Payton Jr.’s physical examination found that the four-way deal of the Warriors may be canceled due to serious injuries – yqqlm

Payton Jr.’s medical examination found that the four-way deal of the Warriors may be cancelled.

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2023-02-11 12:08

CCTV News: On February 11, Beijing time, according to a report by the famous NBA reporter Shams Charania, the four-way deal reached by the Warriors with the Trail Blazers, Pistons and Eagles was in jeopardy because Gary Payton II failed to pass the physical examination. The transaction may be canceled directly.

On the trade deadline, the Warriors reached a four-party deal with the Trail Blazers, Pistons and Eagles. The details of the deal are:

The Warriors send Wiseman to the Pistons, the Grizzlies’ 2026 second round and their own 2028 second round to the Blazers; the Pistons send Sadiq Bay to the Eagles and Knox to the Trail Blazers; the Eagles send three with protection The second-round pick went to the Blazers; the Blazers sent Payton Jr. to the Warriors.

However, during the physical examination stage before Payton joined the Warriors, the Warriors found that Payton’s core muscles may make him absent for three months. The Warriors can decide whether to make this deal before tomorrow.

It is reported that the Blazers medical team has been injecting painkillers into Payton Jr. to urge him to survive the injury. Moreover, the Blazers did not inform the Warriors of this during the negotiation process.

The teams involved in the trade are currently discussing trade compensation and may cancel the deal.

source:CCTV Author: Editor: Chen Zhouying

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