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Pay back the mortgage loan, take back the money to buy it… Real estate’dad chance’ caught

Mr. A inherited from his father a billion-dollar apartment in an overheated district with a mortgage loan. At the same time, however, he signed a lease contract to rent the apartment to his father. Afterwards, he paid the mortgage loan with the rental deposit received from his father. Later, he left his father and moved into the apartment, but he did not return the rental deposit. The National Tax Service is planning to go to a tax audit after Mr. A received an apartment with a loan for the purpose of avoiding gift tax, seeing that his father paid the debt for him.

The National Tax Service investigates 1822 suspicious gifts
“Tracking whether debt is self-payment until the end”

– As the number of cases of expedient and illegal housing donations increased due to soaring house prices without knowing the end, the government took a knife again. On the 2nd, the National Tax Service announced that it will conduct tax verification on 1822 people suspected of donating houses without paying taxes properly. Specifically, ▶ 1176 people who reported insincerity such as omission of donation ▶ 531 people who did not report or reduced the donation amount of apartments ▶ 85 people who doubt the source of the donation funds ▶ 30 people who donated expediently such as non-payment of debts after donating in debt.

There is also a case where a donation money for an apartment was provided to a son by taking away the money from the company. Mr. B, who runs two hypermarkets, handed over the right to sell houses and apartments to his son, who was a freshman in society. However, as a result of an investigation by the National Tax Service, Mr. B provided money to acquire a house for his son by stealing money from the company by omitting sales and catching false expenses. There were also cases where the gift tax was reduced by omitting past gift cases. B, who received an expensive apartment from his mother, paid the gift tax after subtracting 50 million won, a deduction for gifted property between parents and children. However, as a result of the National Tax Service’s confirmation, Mr. B received the shares of an unlisted corporation from his father in the past and also received a gift tax deduction of 50 million won. Under the current law, if multiple gifts are received from parents within 10 years, the deduction limit is applied by adding up the past gift amount.

At a meeting of the heads of tax offices across the country on the 28th of last month, the National Tax Service decided to strict response to tax evasion, especially in the stage of donating houses. In particular, the case of donations made in the past will be examined in detail, and a tax investigation will be conducted if a suspicion of evasion is found. Usually, the exemption period for gift tax is 10 years, but if you fail to report or commit fraud or other fraudulent acts, you can levi tax up to 15 years ago. The National Tax Service said, “By analyzing the source of funds in the initial stage of acquiring the donor’s housing, we will carefully verify whether the donor has acquired the housing using unfair methods such as outflow of corporate funds.” I will trace it to the end.”

Sejong = Reporter Kim Namjun [email protected]

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