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Passive Smoking and Lung Cancer: A 20-Year Connection

Oncologist Dr. Fyodor Moiseenko announced that passive smoking can cause lung cancer after 20 years.

In an interview with Izvestia newspaper, on the occasion of World Lung Cancer Day, which falls on August 1 of each year, the specialist said that lung cancer is one of the most common cancers. It is highly aggressive, yet it is more difficult to diagnose at an early stage than colon or breast cancer.

He says: “Lung cancer develops in a different way, as there are no obvious symptoms in the early stages, so that the patient may not feel anything bothering him until distant metastases appear. Therefore, the disease is often discovered in half of the infected people in its third or fourth stage, and at that time, unfortunately, it is not possible to perform surgery for the injured person.

And he adds, “It is all about the sequence of changes that smoking leads to: Under the influence of the substances in tobacco smoke, damage occurs in the normal cells of the bronchi and lungs, and some mutations appear first, followed by other mutations. Together, these changes turn a normal cell into a tumor. This is a very long process, and it is achieved on average in the patient at the age of 64 years. But now, due to the improvement in the possibilities of diagnosing the disease, we are discovering tumors in younger patients.”

According to him, one of the risk factors for lung cancer is passive smoking, although it is less effective. But it is believed that passive smoking can lead to the development of a tumor after 20 years of continuous exposure to tobacco smoke and inhalation of its components.
“The vast majority of lung cancer cases – up to 90 percent – ​​are associated with smoking, and only 10 percent of lung cancer cases are not related to smoking,” he says. These cases are usually observed in patients aged 40-50 years, as the disease develops in them due to internal factors and genetic characteristics.

According to him, if a doctor diagnoses the disease at an early age, he first of all checks for the presence of certain mutations. Because the examination and treatment of these patients differs from the treatment of older patients, for whom smoking was a major factor in the development of the disease. And 90 percent of disease cases caused by mutations can be treated with targeted therapy.

The specialist points out that the symptoms of lung cancer are shortness of breath, coughing and hemoptysis. But often a person addicted to smoking for a long time suffers from associated diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is accompanied by coughing and shortness of breath.

He says, “These patients are more likely to develop pneumonia and acute respiratory infections with coughing and even hemoptysis. Therefore, lung cancer can be confused with respiratory diseases. In addition, the symptoms of lung cancer can also be confused with cardiovascular disease, because patients with heart failure have less blood flow to the lungs – and often shortness of breath as well.

The specialist advises everyone who suffers from coughing, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and shortness of breath over a long period of time, to see a doctor.

Source: “Izvestia” newspaper.

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2023-08-01 12:55:59

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