Home » today » Entertainment » Park Hye-young “I still can’t forget the’I want to see Yuri’ text on my ex-husband’s phone” [우리 이혼했어요]

Park Hye-young “I still can’t forget the’I want to see Yuri’ text on my ex-husband’s phone” [우리 이혼했어요]


Park Hye-young “I still can’t forget the’I want to see Yuri’ text on my ex-husband’s phone” [우리 이혼했어요]

Last updated 2020.12.19 12:10Article input 2020.12.19 12:10

[이미지출처 = TV조선 ‘우리 이혼했어요’ 방송화면 캡처]

[아시아경제 최은영 기자] In TV Chosun’s’We Got Divorced’ (hereinafter’We Got Divorce’) broadcast on the 18th, the divorce situation of Park Jae-hoon and Park Hye-young, who joined as the ‘3rd couple’, was revealed.

On the second day of the reunion, Jae-Hoon Park and Hye-Young Park had breakfast together. Park Jae-hoon prepared a hotel-style brunch for Park Hye-young. However, Park Hye-young expressed his rejection, saying, “It’s burdensome” and “It’s very uncomfortable.” He then pointed to the couple’s decorations prepared by the production team and said, “It’s annoying.”

When Park Jae-hoon explained that he was not prepared by himself, Park Hye-young said, “Do you not like the event so much,” and “Why not send flowers every anniversary that I have no choice but to misunderstand.” Along with this, a message sent by Park Jae-hoon to Park Hye-young on this year’s wedding anniversary was revealed. On this year’s wedding anniversary, Park Jae-hoon also sent a message to Park Hye-young, saying, “Hye-young, the most beloved in the world. Thank you for getting married.”

While having a sincere conversation over breakfast, Park Jae-hoon shared with Park Hye-young about what he was disappointed with during his marriage. He said, “If I drink with my brothers until after 12 o’clock, my brothers and sisters get a phone call. But I don’t get the phone even after 3 o’clock in the morning. That was the most disappointing.” When Park Hye-young admitted, “I was indifferent,” Park Jae-hoon said, “My brothers told me not to go into the house for two days, but even though I did that, I didn’t call for two days. I went out and died or lived, whether I was eating or eating or not calling.” Said.

Park Hye-young
[이미지출처 = TV조선 ‘우리 이혼했어요’ 방송화면 캡처]

Park Hye-young said, “This is a strange place. Why is your mouth bursting like this?” and “It seems like I was always sad,” and “I was really indifferent. I must have been lonely. I am so sorry for the passing of time.” Then he said, “But did I find one thing?” and made Park Jae-hoon nervous.

Park Hye-young said, “Don’t you erase all the text or call history when you came home. Once you had a quarrel with your mother because you weren’t good with your mother, you left your phone as well. It was clean, but there was only one temporary storage message, I remember the name, it was Yuri, it said, “Yuri, I’m in class by now. I miss you, so text me.” I thought I couldn’t send it, but I saw it. From that point on, distrust (about erasing all the call details) seems to have sprung up,” he confessed, “I think I kept building it in my heart from that time. I had no faith.”

When Park Jae-hoon asked, “Why didn’t you talk right back then?” Park Hye-young replied, “I think I have a personality that I can’t speak well.” Park Jae-hoon said, “If there is anything unpleasant, a couple should talk to each other.” Replied. Park Jae-hoon said, “I dodge to avoid hurting me, and then I fester when I get old. I’m worse off than others.”

Intern reporter Choi Eun-young [email protected]

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