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Parents, These Types of Fish to Increase Your Child’s IQ


Children eat fish. Photo/Ist

JAKARTA – As a maritime country fish is a food ingredient that is easily found in Indonesia. In addition to being soft and delicious, eating fish also brings many benefits, one of which is beneficial for the development of the brain of children who are in their infancy.

In fact, according to a recent study, children who eat fish at least once a week, have IQ which is higher than a child who rarely eats fish.

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Launching from the halodoc.com page, here are 6 types of fish that are good for increasing children’s intelligence.

1. Salmon
In every 100 grams of salmon there are 415 calories, 46 grams of protein, and 23 grams of fat. In addition, salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are ingredients that play a major role in increasing children’s intelligence. Other content found in salmon, such as zinc, iron, niacin, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 are nutrients that are needed for children’s brain development.

2. Milkfish
Milkfish is one type of fish that is cheap but has a lot of nutrition. Not only contains calories, protein, and fat, milkfish also contains omega-3 fatty acids that can improve children’s intelligence. The omega-3 content in milkfish is also useful for boosting the child’s immune system and helping children have better eyesight.

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However, because milkfish have many spines, to give it to children, you can work around this by cooking milkfish with the pressure method so that the spines can soften.

3. Skipjack
Skipjack tuna is one type of fish that is high in protein. This protein content is useful for increasing the intelligence of the brain of children who are still in their infancy. Often feeding children skipjack tuna will have a positive impact on their brain intelligence later. In addition, skipjack tuna can also improve children’s memory. This is due to the omega-3 fatty acid content in it.

4. Yellow Tail
Besides being rich in protein, yellow tail fish is also rich in omega 3 and omega 6 which are useful for supporting children’s brain development. This fish is very easy to get because many are sold in traditional markets and supermarkets. How to process it is also easy, just fry it in the form of fillets or cook it whole and add some spices to make it more savory.

5. Tuna
Tuna is also a type of fish that has a very high omega-3 content to optimize children’s brain development. Mothers can give salmon to children since they can be given complementary foods to breast milk so that their brain development is more optimal. In addition to omega-3, tuna is also rich in essential nutrients such as DHA, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

6. Bloating
Fish that has a good taste, is easy to find anywhere and is economically priced, it turns out to be rich in nutrients. Mackerel is rich in DHA and Omega 3. In one ounce of mackerel there are about 2.6 grams of omega 3. If your little one is under 6 years old, give him 3-5 ounces of mackerel per week, so that your little one can grow into smart kid.


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