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Parents’ council wants to fight for preservation

Just one day before the parents were informed on the first Wednesday in December about the closure of the high school at the Theodosius Florentini School (formerly MBW), the parents’ council learned of the end. This is reported by the chairman of the Parents ‘Council, Klaus Bittner from Burgsinn, who is also the chairman of the Parents’ Council. According to the announcement at a parents’ council meeting, those involved initially had “silence in the forest”. “The entire parents’ council was offended.” There was no time to react because the next day “the bomb exploded” and all parents were informed, says Bittner, whose daughter is attending secondary school.

“The days have been very turbulent since last week,” reports Bittner. He received loads of calls and WhatsApp messages from parents. “On Monday at 11 p.m. I turned off my cell phone.” The parents ‘council had to let the whole thing sink in first, but it was clear: “The parents’ council stands behind the parents,” says Bittner, “and we are trying with all our might to keep the grammar school going beyond the year 2024.”

Some parents have tried to do something on their own initiative. Several actions have started. For example, parents are currently asking at all primary schools in the area: “Would you send your child to the Florentini school?” And also whether the parents would be willing to pay higher school fees in order to help the porters. The parents’ council only heard of many actions afterwards.

Help from politics?

Finen’s mayor and district councilor Zita Baur is the chairwoman of the parents’ council at the Florentini grammar school. “Of course we were just as upset as the parents,” she says. Some discussions have already been held, including with the school management and other responsible parties. She had already spoken to the state secretary for culture, Anna Stolz, from Arnstein, who had signaled help and support. But how the rumored annual deficit in the six-digit range could be compensated for if the secondary school branch was retained, Baur did not know either.


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In order to coordinate everything, a Whatsapp group has now been set up to save the high school. In addition to parent councils, there is a representative from each class. “It’s not as if the parents’ council accepts it without a fight,” says overall chairman Bittner. The aim is to see a little more clearly what is feasible by the end of the first quarter of 2021.

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