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Papillomavirus: boys too?

Health (HAS) recommends the vaccination of boys against papillomavirus, responsible for precancerous lesions, and therefore for cancers. Three questions to the Dre Hélène Borne, gynecologist, head of the colposcopy unit at Saint-Cloud hospital. “data-reactid =” 18 “> Twelve years after its recommendation to young girls, the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends vaccination of boys against papillomavirus, responsible for precancerous lesions, and therefore for cancers. Three questions to the Dre Hélène Borne, gynecologist, head of the colposcopy unit at Saint-Cloud hospital.

How are boys affected?

“They are so for two reasons. Firstly because they are vectors of the highly contagious papillomaviruses, which are transmitted sexually, of course, but also by simple genital caress. On the other hand, even if the toll is less heavy than in women, the papillomavirus is also responsible for cancers – penis, anus, throat – in men, “she explains. Very common at the beginning of sexual life, infection with papillomavirus (or HPV) can lead to a modification of cells, some of which can become cancerous.

What is vaccination for?

France, n'existent plus." data-reactid="22">“It avoids the risk of developing a very discreet disease which does not appear until very late with very heavy and often mutilating anticancer treatments”, underlines Hélène Borne. Administered before any sexual contact, “it is a 98% effective vaccine and with very good tolerance” she explains. Recommended but not compulsory, vaccination is recommended at an age between 11 and 14 years old. Good vaccination coverage for young people makes it possible to envisage that, in the future, cancers linked to HPV, that of the cervix at the head with another thousand deaths per year in France, will no longer exist.

Should we talk about sexuality during vaccination?

vaccination HPV is the 11-year-old DT-polio recall. “The two vaccines can be given at the same time, which is practical and allows not to mention …” data-reactid = “24”> This vaccination HPV is the 11-year-old DT-polio recall. “The two vaccines can be given at the same time, which is practical and allows not to mention …

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“data-reactid =” 25 “>Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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