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Pandemic: Even in the countryside, the virus dictates a different rhythm – News Vaud & Régions: Nord vaudois-Broye

Chalk drawings on the sidewalks, the sun, the birds of course, two or three “Farewell, are you going?” in the street and the remains of some tricycles races. It even seems that there is an accordionist who goes back and forth in the Grand-Rue in the evening. In Vaulion, a lovely village in the Vaud Jura, it’s hard to believe that a pandemic is ravaging Europe.

Here as elsewhere, the Covid-19 and the containment of the population surprised his world. “We think we are a little in a bubble, in Vaulion. At first, it was a story of a pangolin in China, “jokes the municipal secretary, Valérie Meyer. Here, however, as elsewhere outside urban areas, confinement is experienced at a different pace. At first glance, it is as if the summer vacation has simply been extended.

However. “We can idealize confinement to the countryside, reacts the trustee, Claude Languetin. Obviously it’s easier with a garden and nature. Now we’re afraid of the virus, like everyone else! Here too the independents are worried. But what made the difference was the solidarity of the village. It simply worked stronger. No one is isolated here. “

The municipal secretary organized sending drawings to the elders and a special newspaper with cooking recipes. A resident distributed braids. The local herb store sent a herbal tea package to each senior. “It was important that the generations continued to mix.” Enough to make whole buildings jealous in town.

Aperitifs and system D

Some young people returned during the confinement. Homework filled the cottages. Vaulion is far from being emptied, on the contrary. “The hard part is not having the hostel and the companies like the band rehearsals,” notes Valérie Meyer. People end up on WhatsApp, or have an aperitif each on their sidewalk. ” But it’s not the same. The Youth tried an aperitif by Skype, it didn’t work.

Fewer cars, sure. But Vaulion especially deplores the closure of his inn.

In a few days Vaulion also had to manage worried seniors and have recourse to system D. “We had to close the playground, all the children were going there,” sighs the secretary. “We had to question everything. We realized that in a small town, finding a replacement was difficult, “added the trustee. Suddenly, it is a municipal and Youth members who manage the recycling center.

Indeed. “We had to close access to Dent-de-Vaulion,” sighs the trustee. I haven’t seen my grandchildren for three weeks. We respect the instructions. But we find ourselves every weekend doing prevention for wild campers, and even families who come to settle in the middle of a field. At least it might make people want to get closer to the countryside. ” It even seems that Valais plaques were spotted at Easter.

We chat at the grocery store

At the village grocery store, nothing to do with a large area that became anxious. “No one rushed to the toilet paper or the canned food. Supply is sometimes difficult. But habits have not changed. The basket is just bigger because the whole family is there. People chat only a little more at the cash register, says the manager, Rachel Bovay. In the countryside, we are used to planning. “

Nothing is missing at the grocery store, except the table reserved for customers.

The president of the Youth Society and her brother just left the grocery store, loaded with shopping bags and beers to deliver for a confined person. “Everyone has to get started,” they smile.

Two happy looking Sunday cyclists cross the village. Valérie Meyer sighs a little. “What we must not forget is that for us, afterwards, cinemas and performance halls will always be far away. And there will always be only two buses a day and no store in the evening when leaving work. So yes, we are lucky to live here. But it’s a choice. ”

Created: 04.24.2020, 8:06 p.m.

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