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PACMA Collects Signatures for European Elections Campaign

  1. Previous elections
  2. European Parliament: single constituency
  3. Collection of signatures

Demonstration against bullfighting organized by Pacma near Las Ventas bullring, in Madrid (Photo: Diego Radamés / Europa Press)

Collin’s Irish Tavern, Plata Chaveinte jewelry store, La Villana de Vallekas social center and the Puxula and Nana Pet Food pet stores are some of the hotel’s locations. Animals Party for the Environment (PACMA) He is collecting signatures to be able to present his application for the European elections.

According to the provisions of the Organic Law of the General Electoral System, the party must give credit to the signatures of at least 15,000 voters participate in the elections. In article 220, the law also establishes that signatures can be substituted for these promises 50 elected officials: representatives, senators, MEPs, regional representatives or members of local corporations.

PACMA has chosen the first option. To this end, it has strengthened its campaign to collect guarantees throughout the country, especially in the Community of Madrid.

Previous elections

Since its creation in 2003, the party has not been able to reach the institutions.

In the last general election, 169,237 people They deposited the Pacma ballot in the polls for the Congress of Deputy Ministers, according to the data provided by the Ministry of the Interior. It is equivalent to 0.45% of the electoral roll. They did not receive representation, despite more than 153,995 votes from the BNG, 116,363 from the Canarian Coalition and 52,188 from the UPN, and each received a deputy leader.

The party suffered a drop in votes compared to the previous elections, held in 2019: on 10-N, Pacma received 228,856 votes, 0.62% of the count. It did not help them get representation, against such groups En Común-Unidas Podemos, Més Compromís, Canarian Coalition-Nueva Canarias, Galician Nationalist Bloc, Navarra Suma or Regional Party of Cantabriawho got one or more seats despite a lower number of votes.

On 23 June, the number of votes was higher in the Senate, with a total of 671,290, although with the same result in terms of representation. In a manner consistent with what happened in the Lower House, the reduction in 2019 has been reproduced, the year in which nearly a million people (specifically, 977,844) chose animal ballot.

Among the reasons is the d’Hont method of distributing seats, whose system aims to avoid excessive division of rooms, but also territorial subdivisions, with several constituencies.

European Parliament: single constituency

This last obstacle is overcome in the elections to the European Parliament, in which there is one constituency for the whole country, in a way that the democratic principle “one person, one vote“.

In the previous elections, held in 2019, The polls gave them between 1 and 3 seats. They received 295,546 votes, almost double that of 2014 (in which they received 177,499 votes). In the end they were not enough to get any MEPs, leaving them as the second force outside parliamentbehind Compromís per Europa – Commitment for Europe, which had just 945 more votes.

In addition to the specific features of these single-constituency elections, other features combine. On the one hand, after the UK leaving the EU, part of its seats were distributed among the rest of the member states. Therefore, in the current legislature, Spain has gone from having 54 seats in the regional session to 59 in the post-Brexit phase.

Likewise, regarding the next elections the number of MEPs was increased from 705 to 720due to the demographic changes recorded since 2019. According to the new distribution, two additional MEPs will be given to Spain, so that 61 seats to distribute for the X legislature.

Collection of signatures

Therefore, the party believes that “they have many opportunities to get representation.” For this reason, they have launched a massive campaign to collect signatures. For this purpose, they have established private collection points, such as those mentioned above. pet shops, jewelry stores, bars and its own headquarters.

In a complementary way, the party has sent others temporary points in public places, such as the Plaza Raffaella Carrà in Madrid, the Faculty of Law at the University of Alcalá, the Plaza de Cervantes in this same city or the Plaza del Encuentro, in Moratalaz. Similarly, for those people who cannot come to sign in person, it is possible to do so on a printed page and bring it to the main training office.

Volunteers at a food collection event to help animal shelters, promoted by the Animal Party (Photo: Pacma)
Volunteers at a food collection event to help animal shelters, promoted by the Animal Party (Photo: Pacma)

2024-04-29 22:07:43
#Pacma #collects #signatures #pubs #pet #stores #introduce #Europeans

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