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Ottawa mayor declares state of emergency over trucker blockade

The mayor of Ottawa has declared a state of emergency in the Canadian capital over the ongoing blockade by truck drivers. They are furious about Canada’s corona policy and in particular about the mandatory vaccination of truckers driving on the United States.

Mayor Watson says there are more demonstrators than police officers and that the demonstrators are in charge. “It’s completely derailed.” He says the declaration of a state of emergency reflects the gravity of the situation and he wants more support from the government. He did not announce concrete measures.

Residents complain about lax police

The truckers’ protest has paralyzed the center of the capital for ten days. Residents complain about what they see as lax action by the authorities, who would let the demonstrators go their own way.

Police diverted some protesters on Sunday and cordoned off streets. Agents are also busy collecting evidence for possible lawsuits. In addition, they try to prevent the trucks from being supplied with new fuel.

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