Home » today » News » Open sales of rice and Co. is a success – Migros is expanding its range of bottling products – Switzerland

Open sales of rice and Co. is a success – Migros is expanding its range of bottling products – Switzerland

The concept of “zero waste” (in German: “zero waste” or “zero waste”) is well known small organic and neighborhood shops like the “Foifi” in Zurich, Customers bring their own containers and fill their own food such as rice, pasta or dried fruit. Avoiding plastic and packaging in general is said to help reduce waste.

As has already been reported here, Migros copied this concept some time ago, The retailer tested the open sale of rice, legumes and other groceries in five branches in Geneva. A shelf with 23 filling containers is available to customers.

The pilot project seems promising, because according to the daily gazette it is now to be expanded to include other Migros branches and products. “Other branches in the rest of Switzerland are very interested in our project,” said Lionel Brasier, responsible for the range of goods from the Migros Cooperative in Geneva.

Greenpeace Switzerland welcomes this step. Migros should offer the offer as quickly as possible in all stores and expand it to other products, says Philipp Rohr from the environmental protection organization. He refers to a survey commissioned by Greenpeace, according to which a majority of the Swiss want to shop with reusable packaging.

Due to the high standard of living, around 80 to 90 million tons of waste are generated in Switzerland every year. With 716 kg of waste per person, we have one of the highest amounts of municipal waste in the world.

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