Home » today » Health » Oncologists predict that breast cancer cases will increase by 1,375 compared to 2021

Oncologists predict that breast cancer cases will increase by 1,375 compared to 2021

Breast cancer continues to be the most frequent type of cancer among Spanish women. During the Covid-19 pandemic, a 21% fewer cases, which placed the total number of women diagnosed at 33.375 during the year 2021. According to the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the estimate of new cases for 2022 It amounts to 34.750which would mean an increase of 1.375 in the total number compared to last year.

It is estimated that 1 decade 8 women will develop it throughout their lives. In recent years, mortality associated with this type of cancer has decreased thanks to screening programs and improved treatment, but it is still the first cause of death among Spanish women.

The disease has a serious impact on the health of those who suffer from it, but it also causes serious consequences in the work y economicas well as in the field social. Many women find themselves in a situation of extreme economic vulnerability due to suffering from this type of cancer. In the social aspect, it seriously affects emotional health, generating situations of stress and anxiety among patients and their closest environment.

A recent study carried out by the Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer (FECMA) concluded that the 81% of people who suffer from an oncological disease are not sufficiently protected in their work environment.

“The uncertainty and physical exhaustion produced by treatments is associated with a psychological wear and tear that requires more attention and resources. To these effects, the financial toxicity of cancer should be added. This concept refers to all the labor and social consequences suffered by women who suffer from cancer and their families. A developed society cannot treat the impacts derived from the disease as if they were isolated cases,” says Meritxell Batet, president of the Congress of Deputies.

The increase in incidence in recent years has a counterpart that has materialized in a decrease in mortality and an increase in survival. Currently the survival rate is in the 90% if an early diagnosis of the disease is achieved.

There are great differences between the various breast cancers due to their biological nature. The oncologist at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Ana Casas, affirms that “all breast cancers cannot be categorized equally”. In the same way, she points out that “it is important to be able to access innovation from the very moment of diagnosis and to know the profile of each patient to know which is the ideal treatment that can be administered, since in some cases radiotherapy generates adverse”.

The differences between the autonomous communities in access to treatment conditions the patients. The different associations and institutions involved in the fight against breast cancer demand the consolidation of a National system of health equitable for all of Spain.

“Congress designs policies, but it is necessary to consolidate a robust and equitable National Health System. The postal code should not make a difference in access to treatments and surgeries,” concludes Catiana Martínez, a patient and member of FECMA.

These questions have been put on the table in the Congress of Deputies during the celebration of the Conference “For all. Together for a better future in breast cancer” with the aim of making visible all the impacts of this type of cancer on the patients.


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