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Okay for a while … How to Improve Your Health in an 8 Minute

Dry your hands well, stand up, etc.

Doing squats in your free time even at work can help improve your health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

There are ways you can protect or improve your health by investing just a minute. If you take little time to help your health and wellbeing, there’s no reason to hesitate. The American health and medical media “Prevention” has introduced a very simple way to improve health.

Take a break while you eat

After you’ve eaten half of your food, take a short break and eat again. Just like there are bumps on the road, it means “stop for a while” rather than eating like crazy. Get into the habit of eating slowly while checking if you are full or not.

△ Dry your hands

Drying yourself well is just as important as washing your hands well. Wet hands are more susceptible to bacterial infections. Dry well for at least 20 seconds.

Get up for a moment

Sitting for a long time puts pressure on the blood vessels in the body. You have to get up once every hour. It is a habit that reduces the damaging effects on blood vessels.

△ crouched

Do squats for 1 minute. The squat is an exercise that uses your own body weight and is beneficial for the health of the legs, hips, ankles and spine. Blood circulation also improves.

The jump of the stairs

Jump 60 steps in 20 seconds. Exercise 3 times a week, 3 times a day, for 6 weeks improves cardiorespiratory function.

Run for a while

Running for at least a minute is good for bone health. The loss of bone density after menopause is about 1% per year. Just jogging for 60 seconds every day for a year can offset the loss rate for four years.

△ Measurement of health status

Sit in an armless chair with your back straight. Quickly repeat the lifting and sitting movement 10 times. Studies have shown that middle-aged people are at a greater risk of premature death if 10 repetitions take more than 26 seconds or if they fail to complete a movement.

Rinse your mouth before going to bed

Your mouth gets dry while you sleep. In most cases, this is the time when you are most susceptible to damage from bacteria. You can minimize the activity of bad bacteria by washing your mouth, such as gargle before going to bed.

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