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Offshore wind could help save California $ 1 billion

Offshore wind power could lead to increased employment, cost savings, reduced carbon dioxide and improved stability of California’s power grid, according to a new study from USC’s Schwarzenegger Institute.

California’s Offshore Wind Electric Opportunity report highlights the economic repercussions that the Golden State can have when trying to take advantage of its coastal situation by cultivating this natural energy resource.

The study estimates that the development of 10GW would contribute to a total cost savings of the resource of approximately 1 billion dollars.

The construction of these wind facilities could create up to 65,000 jobs during the construction phases and up to 4,500 O&M jobs over the life of the facilities.

Professors from the Schwarzenegger Institute and the USC School of Public Policy, Adam Rose and Dan Wei, were the main authors of the report.

Rose said: “The wind power marina is a huge economic opportunity for the state of California. The development of 10GW of wind power marina could offer thousands of job opportunities to the hardest hit communities, while saving Californians billions through lower electricity rates. “

In 2018, California passed SB 100, California’s 100% Clean Energy Act.

He set a goal for California, the world’s fifth-largest economy, to produce all electricity carbon-free by 2045.

The joint agency report prepared as part of the bill concluded that 10 gigawatts of wind power marina to achieve that goal profitably.

The Schwarzenegger Institute report explains the potential for wind power to play a critical role in achieving the goals set by SB 100, and how California is well positioned to become a global center for the development of the wind power marina.

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (pictured) said: “I have always said that California needs a comprehensive energy strategy and there is no question that the wind power marina is an important part of that portfolio.

“By deploying this clean energy resource, we can create thousands of jobs and meet our energy demand, all by reducing emissions and cleaning our air. At the Schwarzenegger Institute we are committed to finding solutions that reduce air pollution and climate change”.

The report recognizes that there are challenges that must be addressed in order for the wind power marina reaches its full potential in California.

These include affordability, development of transmission infrastructure, and effects on the ocean environment and wildlife.

Chiu and Friedman have written current legislation, AB 525, to respond to the call of SB 100, starting state agencies on the path to planning and resolving these obstacles.

California is already a world leader in renewable energy, and offshore wind seems like the next piece of the puzzle in reaching the state goal of producing 140 gigawatts of renewable energy and storage by 2045.

Consistent winds at higher speeds over the water make offshore wind a more reliable method and efficient power generation.

That could be what keeps the lights on for Californians in the future, as wildfires resulting from climate change cause more and more blackouts.

The production of wind power offshore is also the perfect complement to California’s growing solar grid. In the evening hours, when the solar energy decreases, is when wind power it usually reaches its peak.

Friedman said: “The wind power Marina couldn’t have come at a better time for California. With climate change threatening energy supplies throughout the western US, having a local source of clean energy to supplement California’s solar generation will be invaluable for decades to come. “

News taken from: reNEWS / Free translation from English by World Energy Trade

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