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Offending Anies, Bawaslu and the RI Ministry of Religion Ban campaigns in places of worship


The general election monitoring body of the Republic of Indonesia (Bawaslu) has asked a number of parties not to carry out awareness-raising activities such as campaigns in places of worship. The Indonesian electoral control body revealed it on Friday (16/12) when it met with the minister of religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

“Regarding the activities, what was broadcast on Pak Anies report, we can only appeal, because no pair of candidates has been determined yet. We only appeal not to use the mosque (for election campaigning).” said RI Bawaslu Legal and Dispute Resolution Division Totok Hariyono in a written statement on Saturday (12/17/2022).

Earlier, Anies Baswedan was reported to have received a petition of support related to the 2024 Presidential Election at Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Aceh last Friday (2/12).

While the determination of the 2024 presidential candidate has not yet been carried out, the ban on campaigning in places of worship, including mosques, cannot be enforced. This according to the article 280 letter h of the law n. 7 of 2017 relating to elections establishes that participants in elections are prohibited from using places of worship, education and government facilities for electoral purposes.

“We can only advise, don’t just use the mosque for that,” Totok said.

Anies himself is currently still a presidential candidate. However, if he is legally designated as a presidential candidate, what Anies did could be an indication of an election violation and could be sanctioned by RI Bawaslu.

Meeting of the Bawaslu with the Indonesian Ministry of Worship

Regarding the meeting with the Minister of Religion, Totok said that the problem of places of worship is not only a political problem but also a substantial one that must be discussed together.

In the future, his party and the Ministry of Religion will implement a policy that places of worship are not used as political areas. But for now, because it’s still early in the electoral phase, his party can only appeal.

“We were the first to have a friendly meeting with Minister Gus on the existing political dynamics, especially compared to today, many places of worship have become places in the countryside,” he concluded.


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