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Offenbach: Sana Klinikum refuses the patient’s fervent wish – no Hawaiian pizza

The Sana Clinic in Offenbach has denied a patient a request for a Hawaiian pizza.

© Angelika Warmuth / dpa

The Sana Clinic in Offenbach has denied a patient a request for a Hawaiian pizza. In view of the reason, your son wishes for more “humanity”.

Offenbach – To make the difficult time at the Sana Clinic easier for his 86-year-old mother, Dieter Walk wanted to grant her a wish: a Hawaiian pizza. The elderly woman had longingly asked for it because she didn’t like the hospital food. But he doesn’t get very far with the box. The official decision of the clinic: No pizza for Gisela Walk – due to the risk of infection. A Hawaiian pizza poses a serious risk of infection for the patients of the Sana Clinic. At least that is what those responsible Dieter Walk said when he stood in front of the entrance to the ward with a steaming pizza box.

Actually, the pineapple and ham combination was supposed to lighten the attacked mind of his 86-year-old mother Gisela a little, to make it easier for her to endure the hospital stay without a visit. “She wanted her favorite food so badly,” says Walk. “She couldn’t get the hospital food down.” So he drives off, gets a Hawaiian pizza from a nearby pizzeria and wants to hand it over to his mother at the entrance. “This is actually how it always works in the time of Corona,” says Walk. “If I had something for my mother, I gave it to me and it was brought to her room.”

Sana Klinikum Offenbach: Pizza is too high a risk of infection

But on that day, the staff blocked the entrance to the station. Too dangerous, the pizza is a possible source of infection, they say. “I thought I was crazy,” says Walk. “It doesn’t matter whether I bring my mother a book or a pizza box with her favorite food,” argues Walk.

Obviously, that doesn’t count for the Sana Clinic. “The staff acted correctly,” says clinic spokeswoman Marion Band. “Food may not be brought to the patient at the moment.” This applies to all food, including a Hawaiian pizza. This regulation has been in force for a long time and can also be read on the homepage of the Sana Clinic, says Band.

Offenbach: “A little more humanity”

She evades the question of whether a pizza box actually poses an increased risk of infection. “For us this is primarily a question of logistics,” she justifies the clinic’s decision. “If everyone starts bringing food to the patients now, we cannot do that.” In addition, many patients are not allowed to eat everything for medical reasons.

Dieter Walk basically understands the tough line when it comes to food deliveries, but would like more sense of proportion in individual cases. “Especially when it comes to making everyday hospital life a little more pleasant for lonely old people, you could show a little more humanity.”

Sana Klinikum Offenbach: “Food is currently not allowed to be brought to the patient”

In the meantime, 86-year-old Gisela Walk has been released, is on the mend and has finally eaten her long-awaited Hawaiian pizza. (Christian Reinartz)

The employees of the Sana Clinic in Offenbach only recently received bad news.

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