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Offenbach: But no punishment for critical art

  • fromFabian Scheuermann

    shut down

The protest by the artist Lutz Jahnke at Offenbacher Hafenplatz does not result in a fine

The Offenbach artist and designer Lutz Jahnke doesn’t have to pay a fine. On May 1, Jahnke criticized the blocking of several places in Offenbach with an art campaign during the corona crisis. When he entered the restricted area of ​​the harbor square for the application of adhesive tape, he was picked up by employees of the public order office.

In consultation with the police, the decision was taken not to initiate administrative offenses against Jahnke, said the deputy head of the regulatory office, Frank Weber. This is possible because “the accused removed the film immediately and adhesive residues on the wall were not visible”.

Jahnke had wanted to stick the lettering “#offen_bach” on the harbor wall with bright orange tape to show that the “brook” – the Main – had been separated from the city by grids for weeks. According to the city, the blockade is designed to prevent too many people from meeting on the popular harbor staircase and thereby ignoring the corona safety distances.

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