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Nutritionist recommends healthy diet to prevent cancer (+ video)

To prevent and combat breast cancer It is recommended that the diet be varied, appropriate to the needs of each person and clean, but there are several foods that contribute to the proper functioning of cells, according to the nutritionist Arlette Celery.

The specialist pointed out in an interview for 24 HOURS that reducing the consumption of red meat is important, since 30 grams of this, once or twice a week, provides the nutrients and protein that the body needs.

It is very important that the meat that is consumed is not roasted, since they contain toxic substances, so it is recommended to cook the meat on the grill, over low heat, or in stew.

Sedano is pursuing a master’s degree in Veracruz University and serves as a counselor for some 200 cancer survivors enrolled in the Breast Cancer Foundation (FUCAM).

“It is recommended to replace animal fat such as butter with vegetable oils such as canola, soy or corn, since these lipid materials derived from animals are an external source of estrogens, a risk factor for the development of breast cancer, ”she said.

The specialist points out that white meats are highly recommended, especially fish for the omegas 3, 6 and 9 it contains, as well as the extra virgin olive oil, the consumption of fruits and vegetables due to their content in bioactive like vitamin A, C, D Y E, as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper.

Products rich in selenium such as oats, pips, and cucumbers, or those that contain carotenoids, pigments that give many plants, fruits and vegetables a red, yellow or orange hue, are also essential to prevent or combat this and other types cancer, since this substance promotes programmed cell death, which is the natural process of death of a cell.

“So this is mainly an antioxidant and it can be found in some foods like tomato, the carrot, the Red peppers, and foods in general that have this type of pigments ”, he mentioned.

In addition to this, Arlette notes that during cancer treatment including soy or grapefruit products is not recommended.

“It is not that consuming grapefruit is bad for a woman with cancer, they simply have to take precautions about consuming it at certain stages of treatment, as it usually reduces an enzyme that is responsible for eliminating some drugs that are in the bloodstream, mainly docetaxel or tamoxifen treatment “


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