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Number of new coronavirus infections continues to decline, including …

In the past week, Sciensano had an average of 84.7 new coronavirus infections per day in our country. That is a decrease of 10% compared to the previous week. This is evident from the data of Sciensano. On average, there were 5.4 deaths in the past seven days. That is also a (slight) decrease.

The number of hospital admissions in the past week (until Wednesday) averaged 13.9. That is also a decrease of 10%. In the previous seven-day period there were 15.4. On Wednesday, 203 more patients were admitted to Belgian hospitals, compared to 268 a week earlier. There are now 37 patients in intensive care, four less than last Wednesday.

593 new confirmed cases were reported between June 22 and June 28: 334 (56%) of these in Flanders, 180 (30%) in Wallonia, and 79 (13%) in Brussels. In total, there are now 61,598 cases of the coronavirus in our country.

For the average number of infections, the health institute looked at the figures up to and including Sunday. After all, the figures for the past three days have not yet been confirmed.

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