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‘Number of hospital admissions up in mid-January’ • Last group up for booster shot

Bonaire is implementing stricter corona measures in response to the rapid increase in the number of infections on the island. A maximum of 10 people can now gather together at the same time, provided they belong to a maximum of two households. The catering industry also closes at midnight and a maximum of four adults are allowed at the table in restaurants.

The rules are also becoming stricter for outdoor events. In addition, a maximum of 50 people are allowed to gather and there is no singing or dancing. All attendees must also have fixed seats. Spectators are no longer welcome at sports activities and discotheques remain closed. Furthermore, people should shop on their own as much as possible.

Lieutenant Governor Edison Rijna says that the measures will apply for at least one month. “Now that the omikron variant is on Bonaire, it’s even more important that people don’t come together in large groups,” he said.

The number of corona infections on Bonaire has risen rapidly in a week. Yesterday, 232 infections were registered, a week earlier there were 111. There are now four corona patients in hospital and because the increase is expected to continue in the coming period, increasing pressure on care is also being taken into account.

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