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Not only excessive alcohol consumption, this is a triggering factor for liver cancer

JAKARTA, celebrities.id Heart cancer always synonymous with habit consuming alcohol excessively. In fact, liver cancer appears not only by excess alcohol, but also due to several factors.

Liver cancer is divided into two types, namely: primary liver cancer which is a cancer that occurs from normal liver cells turning into abnormal cells, while the other type of liver cancer is metastatic, namely liver cancer that originates from the spread of cancer from other organs such as the colon, the lungsor breast.

“The majority of patients with primary liver cancer in the world have chronic liver disease such as liver cirrhosis or the formation of scar tissue in the liver due to chronic disease,” said Consultant Gastroenterology-Hepatology Consultant at Mayapada Hospital Tangerang, Dr Hendra Nurjadin, Sp.PD-KGEH, in a statement. official statement received by MNC Portal, Thursday (24/3/2022).

Doctor Hendra said that liver cirrhosis is not only caused by excessive alcohol consumption, in some cases, cirrhosis is also caused by liver disease that is not related to alcohol or called Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) or the accumulation of fat in the liver.

“Cirrhosis of the liver can also be caused by obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Hepatitis B and C which are common in Indonesia are also the cause of many liver cirrhosis which can increase the risk of cases of liver cancer, where in fact hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccination and Hepatitis C can be easily treated in just 3 months with new antiviral drugs,” he said.

Early detection is an important thing that must be done to minimize the severity of liver cancer cases. The sooner cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat the cancer.

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