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Not Installing Red and White on August 17, Ganjar Pranowo rebukes the Regent of Rembang

Suara.com – Governor of Central Java (Central Java), Ganjar Pranowo, stated that his party had already reprimanded him Regent of Rembang related negligence to install Red and white flag during the celebration of Indonesian independence in the Rembang square.

At the same time, he also thanked KH Ahmad Mustofa Bisri or who is familiarly called Gus Mus for his criticism of the Rembang Regency Government (Pemkab) regarding this matter.

“I have contacted the Regent of Rembang and their understanding is different. They admit their mistake was ignoring this matter. But in the end, the Rembang Regency Government put up a Red and White Flag in the Rembang square, just before the seconds of the proclamation,” said Ganjar when met at his office, Central Java, Tuesday (18/8/2020).

Earlier it was reported that the charismatic cleric Gus Mus criticized the Rembang Regency Government for not installing the Red and White Flag in the square on 17 August. Gus Mus conveyed this criticism through a video that was widely spread on Whatsapp, Monday (17/8/2020).

Ganjar appreciated Gus Mus’s move, which firmly criticized the Rembang government. According to him, the government must care in every condition, not neglect to remain solemnly celebrating independence.

“It turned out that the sensitivity of the community was extraordinary, and it was represented by a Gus Mus. He cared, reminded him as a cleric to convey that. Iki pitulasan is really quiet piye (how about independence day commemoration),” explained Ganjar.

Ganjar himself immediately called the Regent of Rembang regarding this matter. From that communication, the Regent of Rembang said that the center of the celebration was held in government offices and did not hold crowds in the square.

“In fact, the square is not only an open space, but a cultural place that is usually used as a venue for performances, show venues and others. So when there is a crowd, especially on August 17, the community awaits the custom of placing flags in the square. If there is no flag. it is strange, “he said.

It should be, continued Ganjar, all local governments understand about it. Moreover, all regional heads have been ordered to put up a red and white flag every day since early August.

“We should all understand that, the government must care and should not be ignorant,” he added.

Ganjar said that Gus Mus’s criticism served as a correction and evaluation for the government so that it would not be neglected in the future. Even Ganjar said that the Rembang Regional Government had admitted its mistake in not installing the Red and White Flag on the square, during the celebration of independence day.

Although after the incident, just before the seconds of the Proclamation, the Regional Government of Rembang finally put up the Red and White flag.

“Anyone who has participated, I would like to say thank you. This incident is to be a correction so that it does not happen in the future,” he concluded.

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