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Norwegian Politics, Politics | So wrote the political papers on Monday 19 December

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The tax level in Norway has decreased since the 1980s (The class struggle)
Since 1986, the average tax per million Norwegian wages has dropped from 44.5% to 32.8%. It is the lowest in the Nordic region. – The Norwegian tax system is not as progressive as we often like to think, Deputy Leader Marie Sneve Martinussen tells Rødt. Her response is to raise taxes.. The seas

Economics professor not convinced by government fiscal measures (Dagsavisen)
The government and SV have tightened two tax loopholes for wealthy Norwegians who have settled abroad. The professor believes there are several loopholes. The seas

There will be no power solution (Daily newspaper)
The Minister of Oil and Energy, Terje Aasland, hopes that the Energy Commission will present proposals to remedy the electricity crisis. But according to Dagbladet sources, nothing will solve today’s critical situation. The seas

An updated political apparatus is ready (post by Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre (AP)) (Finansavisen)
Yes, the instrumentation was too complicated. Yes, companies have been reluctant to spend resources to apply, writes the Minister of Enterprise Jan Christian Vestre (AP). The seas

The committees have to work with transparency requirements in public procurement (Today’s business)
The public sector purchases goods and services worth around NOK 650 billion annually. A government-appointed committee will review stricter requirements for vendors regarding proprietary information. The seas

Stated on the fixed price scheme: – It won’t work (Today’s business)
The government’s fixed price system for electricity has come under strong criticism. – The pattern doesn’t work. And it won’t work, says Erik Øyno, ​​​​​​CEO of building materials group Protan. The seas

SV county’s biggest side want Kaski as their new manager (NTB)
SV’s two biggest county teams, Oslo and Vestland, are in favor of Kari Elisabeth Kaski (35) as the new SV leader. This is also done by three smaller county teams and the Socialist Youth. The seas

Now things are crumbling for Listhaug (comment by Sondre Hansmark, Dagbladet)
Dagbladet’s party barometer confirms declining support for the FRP. Is it about to unfold for Sylvi Listhaug? The seas

The Labor Party crisis: scratch your head (comment by Sondre Hansmark, Dagbladet)
In recent years, the Labor Party has made two major strategic reversals. None of them worked. The seas

Power Support: The answer has to be a resounding no (leader, Dagens Næringsliv)
It took a couple of cold weeks before the director of the NHO found the begging bowl. The seas

The crown prince’s solidarity with the new poor has an aftertaste (post by Professor Jarle Aarstad) (Finansavisen)
Norwegian politicians, aided by lobbyists and the Crown Prince as cheerleader, are responsible for high electricity prices. The seas

Thats enough! (post by Arne-Jørgen Skurdal in Visit Eastern Norway) (Finansavisen)
It is bad social economy for jobs to be liquidated on the altar of the electricity crisis. The seas

It’s our damned duty to shout out loud (post by Lasse Jangås) (TV 2)
Why should people be humiliated by being forced to queue for food? The seas

Kind gifts from Christian Ringnes (Trygve Hegnar’s manager, Finansavisen)
Ringnes wants to give to the poorest, and that’s good. The problem is where to draw the line. Who is poor in Norway? The seas

Norway’s environment minister believes in a global biodiversity deal (NRK)
Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide (AP) believes participants at the natural diversity summit will arrive at a “Paris Agreement for nature”. The seas

Record number of cabin permits raises environmental concerns: – Norway has sinned, says climate minister (E24)
This week, UN countries gather for a nature summit in Montreal, where an agreement can be reached on greater nature protection. Cottage development must first stop, say the researchers. The seas

Emilie Enger Mehl: You have to answer (comment by Sondre Hansmark, Dagbladet)
Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) is the only one in the government – I repeat: the only one – who won’t answer if she uses TikTok on her official cell phone. The seas

The report on the future tax system arrives on Monday (NTB)
The tax committee has finally finished its report on how to improve the Norwegian tax system. Many are excited about what the committee will propose. The seas

I think the expert committee will raise the housing tax (E24)
But NTNU professor Lars-Erik Borge is, to put it mildly, doubtful that the Støre government will be in favor. He himself is enthusiastic about whether the tax commission will reintroduce inheritance tax. The seas

Haste or action? (post by Cecilie Amdahl, lawyer and partner, Schjødt) (Finansavisen)
There may be divided opinions as to whether someone should pay more taxes or less. In any case, major changes should not be made without proper investigation into how the change will play out. The seas

No proficiency requirements for parents teaching children themselves (Subsequently)
Authorities lack insight into whether 260 homeschooled children are learning what they should. The guarantor of the minors is worried and the lawyer is asking for stricter controls. The seas

A church for everyone (comment by Shazia Majid, VG)
Surely as Christmas comes the debate about school and Christmas service. Do you no longer believe that participation is voluntary? Should religious service be banned? The seas

Russian TV: Putin will make a major announcement next week (NTB)
Russian President Vladimir Putin will make a major announcement next week during a meeting at the Defense Ministry, Russian media reported. The seas

Many Russian attacks on central Kherson (NTB)
Over the weekend, Russia fired a series of shells and rockets into central Kherson, the Ukrainian city that has long been occupied by Russian forces. The seas

Ukraine: An unvarnished account from the front line (NTB)
– The battles are tough. We are constantly moving from place to place…always on the front lines. We suffer heavy losses, says Ukrainian soldier Volodymyr. The seas

The EU values ​​a lower maximum gas price (Finansavisen)
Several EU member states will discuss a lower gas price cap than previously proposed on Monday. The seas

US climate action could stifle Norwegian business (post by Odd Hoen-SevjePartner and senior advisor, First HouseSigbjørn AanesPartner and senior advisor in First HouseElise TingvollEU advisor) (E24)
There is great concern in the EU that the US is spending US$430 billion on protectionist subsidies. Norwegian affairs can be hit hard and are hardly on the radar. The seas

Qatar tough against the EU and the corruption case (NTB)
Qatar condemns Belgium’s investigation into possible Qatar-related corruption in the EU Parliament. A diplomat says it could damage the country’s relationship with the EU. The seas

Qatar says EU cleanup could affect gas exports (E24)
Qatar condemns the ongoing clean-up after the corruption scandal in the EU Parliament and warns that it could affect the country’s gas exports. The seas

Iran reserves the right to have ties with Russia (NTB)
Iran says it will not ask anyone’s permission to strengthen ties with Russia, dismissing US concerns. The seas

The Japanese refuse to pay for rearmament (NTB)
The Japanese government will undertake the largest rearmament since World War II. But the majority of the population will not raise taxes to equip themselves. The seas

Fears that one million people in the UK could become poor and homeless (NTB)
The founder of The Big Issue street newspaper John Bird predicts that a million people, if not more, could become poor and homeless in Britain today. The seas

Few good points for LGBTQ people in Muslim and Arab countries (NTB)
There are some sanctuaries for LGBTQ people in Muslim and Arab countries, like transgender boarding school in Indonesia, but there are not many. The seas


Read also: So write the newspapers on the economy on Friday 16 December

Read also: So write the newspapers on the Stock Exchange on Friday 16 December

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