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Norwegian politics, Alta | “Chef bastard” about ups and downs:

When you dress naked, there is always someone out there who wants to use it against you and ridicule you.

Watch the candid video interview with “chef bastard” Asbjørn Sandøy here:

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ALTA (Nettavisen): – I would recommend «Ole Baggis Hætta de Luxe».

It is the actual “chef bastard” Asbjørn Sandøy who is behind the counter for “Hoftepluss”, with the most delicious delicacies, in unprecedented combinations that can happily lie down on the hip.

And we are not disappointed; juicy and tasty – in the middle of the shopping center “Amfi” in the center of Alta.

You’re a super-blogger, what is it like to have that status?

– I live a completely normal life up here in Alta, so I notice very little. I go to work every day, so it affects me to a small degree, says “chef bastard” Asbjørn Sandøy to Nettavisen in the video interview above.

Alta is a different municipality in northern Norway with a thriving population, a thriving business community and great enthusiasm for the merging of Troms and Finnmark. The online newspaper has visited the city to find out what sets them apart from the rest of the region.

– I can be a counter-weight, literally

A lot has happened for Sandøy, who with a bang knocked out the pink bloggers a couple of years ago.

– What is the most important thing for you with the influence you have as a blogger?

– When I started blogging, it was to be a counterweight to everything else. But now it is to show that “close man, 43 1/2 years” can succeed in an industry characterized by young girls and body focus.

– I think I can be a counter-weight to it, literally.

“1,895,205 different people, IP addresses at least (36 percent of the entire population of fucking Norway!) Have read no less than over 13 million of my blog posts, my words, in the last year,” he summed up in April this year.

“Askeladden story”

– It takes something to penetrate. What do you think is the success?

– Now we are approaching two years as a blogger. In the beginning it was a bit of the “Askeladden story”; an unknown magazine that cascaded right into the 1st place of blogg.no – and so I stayed there.

– I’m really honest: «Asbjørn 43 ½»

– I simply believe that I am very honest. It’s not just something I say, I’m honest. I write about the life we ​​all live. I’m not trying to be anything else, I’m just «Asbjørn 43 ½».

He goes on to say that he writes about the ups and downs everyone has, “the real life” that 99.5 percent of all live.

– I dare to stand for it, I dare to tell about my weaknesses. I think that also comes into play, that a man comes who dares to talk about emotions, not only when he is going to sell a book or a record, but all year round.

– Today it is two years since my son died

– Like today: Exactly today it is two years since my son died. I tell about it, and today I focus on my living son. Two days ago he was eight months old, so today I focus on that.

– People have followed me from the deepest sorrow to the highest peaks.

– Two years since your son died. How is it?

– Sif I wrote on the blog today, I choose to focus on the one who is alive. I have been so afraid that the same thing will happen to him, but now he is eight months old and instead of cultivating grief, it needs to be done in the beginning, we cultivate him new, the positive, life. That’s how it is. Today.

– What reactions do you get to your openness?

– It varies, but now people have become accustomed to me. In the beginning, it was unusual for people to be honest in the way I am. I get a lot of reactions, there are so many who care. Like today. And tomorrow my daughter’s birthday. It was a little special two years ago, that her brother died the day before her birthday. It was horrible! But tomorrow is her day. What were you asking again?

High price for transparency

Asbjørn hardly stands still and gestures broadly:

– People love honest people, I think.

– What does it cost to be as honest and open as you are?

– Huge mass! I’m a roller coaster. When I feel good, it does not matter to me, but on heavy days I regret a little that I have dressed as naked as I have actually done.

– Always someone out there who will ridicule you

– It’s being used against you. When you dress naked, there is always someone out there who wants to use it against you and ridicule you and stuff… And when you lie down, I’m a little bothered with “wavy mood”, what is it called? A bit like “Manic depressive light”, isn’t that what it’s called? Then it can be hard to be as open as I am.

Sandøy thinks a bit about:

– At the same time, it is also a support, because I dare to say that “right now I’m not feeling well, right now I’m feeling terrible, I hope it goes over…” You often see in the media that people come afterwards, when they are going to sell a book, etc., and tell that they have struggled with suicidal thoughts, but have come across it. But that’s not the case, this is something you struggle with for years, you can not get over it… You have to live with it, and people get an insight into it, in my blog.

– Life is dead boring

“Chef bastard” is used to it going up and down:

– I’m having a great time for a while, and then I fall down again… Then I get up again. And then there is a lot in common, because life is deadly boring, he laughs.

And my blog is deadly boring, it’s a normal life that walks and walks – with repetitions and og

– Do you have a place you can “hide” when it is dark?

– Yes, at home. Although we are very open, we are not open about everything, such as “little brother”. We do not talk about him, do not share photos of him.

– You can also hide in problems that concern others, because I only talk about my own life. If I argue a lot with the ex-lady, I can not tell anyone, so therefore I have to argue a lot to get my “private room”, laughs chef bastard.

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