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Noord-Holland Noord from vigilant to serious on the corona map

MEDEMBLIK – The number of new cases of infection has risen so explosively in the past week that the regions of Noord-Holland Noord and Zaanstreek-Waterland have been scaled up from vigilant to serious, let it be said. NHD know. Four risk levels are used in the Netherlands, from vigilant as the lowest level to very serious as the highest level. Noord-Holland Noord is now 1 step below the highest level.

It was already expected that most infections take place in places where many people are together, such as fairgrounds. It turns out that more than 90 people at the fair in Heiloo have contracted corona let Alkmaar Central know.

Last Monday, 8,522 people in the Netherlands were tested positive for the Covid-19 virus, last week this figure was still below 1000, the reproduction number has also risen sharply, from 0.8 last week to 1.37 to last Monday.

Strong increases in damage claims for corona

Frederik Lieben, director of JBJ&G, an agency that specializes in personal injury claims, tells the editor: “We get a lot of people on the phone, sometimes really desperate, who are still ill or who have been convalescing for months, and who want to hold their employer liable for their illness, because they have not done anything about prevention, for example.”

Lieben knows the corona cases of his lawyers like the back of his hand, and knows that more and more are being added. “Difficult matters often, but we do try to find out whether someone else can indeed be liable. Many situations are very distressing, and as far as we are concerned, the responsibility in some cases clearly lies with the employer.”

  • A teacher at a secondary school became infected because she was forced to work in a room with thirty students, where not a single window could be opened or ventilated, nor could there be a sufficient distance. It turned out afterwards that there must have been at least four infected students in the class.
  • An employee of a clinic was instructed to work with young people who tested positive, wearing only a mask for protection. He himself became seriously ill.
  • A student infected by his teacher also rang the bell at JBL&G: the teacher had already been coughing for a week, but always waved it away himself. After that week, several students were infected, and the coughing teacher indeed tested positive for corona.

Code Red North Holland

The ACDC is coming this week with the new corona map, a map on which the countries are given a color and where the Netherlands is now largely orange with a single green area. It is expected that this will be changed to code red for North Holland, South Holland, Groningen and Utrecht. Countries can then impose strict requirements on Dutch people who want to go on holiday to that country.

Vaccination certificate mandatory in France and Greece

This Friday everyone, including tourists, must be able to present a vaccination certificate in Greece. If they do not have one, they are not allowed to enter restaurants and museums. However, unvaccinated people are allowed to use the terraces. Public transport is also prohibited for people who do not have a vaccination certificate.

On 1 August, even stricter corona measures will come into effect in France, where people who do not have a vaccination certificate are not allowed to enter public areas, they are also obliged to submit a vaccination certificate if they want to use public transport. From 21 July, the vaccination certificate, such as the QR code, is already mandatory for holiday parks and events with more than 50 people. From July 21, the PCR test will no longer be free for tourists in France.

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