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No prospect of traffic relief

The confirmation of the previous knowledge and fears about traffic development due to the construction of the B 26n was brought to another lecture on Monday evening in the Frammersbach municipal council: There will be no relief in the Lohr Valley for the higher traffic volume on the B276. The ability of the community to influence planning is almost zero. That is why Mayor Christian Holzemer and the council members are thinking of joining the citizens’ initiative against the B 26n.

The additional traffic load expected for the Lohr valley from the construction of the B 26n has become even clearer than in previous presentations and discussions. The figures given in the plans of the road construction authority are average values ​​that relate to 24 hours on 365 days.

Higher stress during the day

From Monday to Friday, the daytime frequency with which the B 276 is driven through the town will be significantly higher than it is now and higher than the number in the plan. This was particularly pointed out by Norbert Meidhof (Frei Whler) and Sandra Vlp (SPD).

One of the goals of the B 26n, as stated in the presentation by the State Building Authority, which was shown at the meeting on Monday evening, is to relieve traffic through town through traffic. Exactly this does not apply to communities like Frammersbach, Partenstein and the Hessian Flrsbachtal. The valley locations are so narrow that bypasses are ruled out.

Traffic planner Dirk Kopperschlger sees the completion of construction phase 1 from Arnstein-Schwebenried to Arnstein-Mdesheim without any impact on traffic through Frammersbach. After construction phase 2 (to Karlstadt), Kopperschlger expects 100 more vehicles per day (average value 24 hours / 365 days), all of which, according to him, come from the Main-Spessart / Wrzburg area. It would be twice as many after the completion of construction phase 3 from Wiesenfeld to Lohr.

Kopperschlger comes to 500 additional vehicles for Frammersbach when not only the east-west axis, but also the north-south axis is completely expanded with construction phase 4. 200 of the 500 vehicles were used for heavy goods vehicles. According to Kopperschlger, 400 of the 500 additional vehicles can be expected from the Main-Spessart / Wrzburg area, 100 from further away. The B 26n means a network of the A 3 motorways running around the Spessart in the south and west, A 7 in the east and the A 66 in the north.

Mobilize the population

Mayor Christian Holzemer emphasized that traffic had increased significantly since the last traffic census in 2015, which was included in the planning. Attempts to improve safety in the area, for example through speed limits, failed because of the authorities.

Falk Piller from the Wrzburg State Building Authority replied that the traffic planners and the road construction department were the wrong people to contact. The mayor would then have to contact the traffic authorities and, if this was unsuccessful, try again.

“We have no choice but to join the citizens’ initiative against the B 26n”, summarized Holzemer due to a lack of influence. The parliamentary groups want, so their chairmen discussed on Monday, to vote on the accession in the next municipal council meeting.

Above all, Sandra Vlp (SPD), Norbert Meidhof (Freie Whler) and Werner Friedel and Karlheinz Geiger (both Die Grnen) see the B 26n as critical or even negative. They repeated their previous criticism and concerns. The Greens want to mobilize the population and draw attention to the problem.

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