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No money for the cycle path from Droßdorf to Zeitz

Drossdorf – The plan to build a cycle path from Droßdorf to Zeitz has evidently not made any progress. At the most recent meeting of the Gutenborn municipal council, Andy Gentzsch (citizens’ association) asked about the current state of affairs. “We asked the administration to apply for funding in three programs. One of them should have been provided by the end of April. But apparently that did not happen, ”explained Mayor Stefan Leier (CDU) to Uwe Kraneis, mayor of the Verbandsgemeinde (non-party).

Less planning, more about getting started

He said: “That doesn’t make sense as long as the city of Zeitz is not on board in a joint project. It is also about swapping areas. Maybe something will happen at the end of September ”. Leier was clearly not satisfied with this answer, because he explained that a condition assessment had long since been requested.

“We also have a cycle path concept that includes the route from Droßdorf to Zeitz. Maybe you should plan less and instead start building a first piece so that things can go ahead, ”said the Gutenborn mayor. Since he is also a member of the council of the Verbandsgemeinde (VG) Droyßiger-Zeitzer Forest, he wants to address the problem in one of the next meetings. Also because of the integrated communal development concept (IGEK), which the VG once gave itself and which should now also be implemented. (mz)

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