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No less delicious, this is an alternative to milk for children

The concept of ‘4 Healthy 5 Perfect’ food with added milk is a nutritional guideline that is widely applied. Even so, at this time, there are still children who have difficulty drinking milk.

Not only little ones, many people don’t like milk or have milk allergies. However, if milk is removed from the daily intake, it really doesn’t matter.

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“Nutritionally, we cannot deny that milk is indeed a complete package because it is simple, there are already proteins, calcium and mineral vitamins,” said Head and Health Committee of Nutrifood, Aldis Ruslialdi to reporters, quoted on Wednesday (9/9). .

“Milk is articulated to a source of protein and a source of mineral calcium found in fruit and vegetables in vegetable and animal side dishes,” he continued.

According to Aldis, although milk has a complete content, it can still be replaced. Nutrients in milk can be met from the daily menu that comes from foods rich in protein and vitamins or can be processed with dairy foods.

Here are the types of dairy foods and drinks, which can replace milk to meet nutrition: child.

An alternative for your little one who doesn’t like milk is yogurt. Yogurt is one of the dairy foods that can be consumed directly or combined with other food ingredients such as fruit, cereal, oatmeal, or pudding, so that children can eat yogurt hungrily.

However, yogurt is generally more often consumed with fresh fruit. For example, processed into additional smoothies or fruit salad. Yogurt is also known to be rich in probiotics so it is good for maintaining the little one’s digestive system.

Ice cream

Even though your little one doesn’t like milk, that doesn’t mean he will refuse ice cream. Not only adults, children also love this one dessert.

Various variations of ice cream can indeed cover the taste and texture of the milk which is the main ingredient for making ice cream. Various variants of popular flavors such as fruit, chocolate or green tea are certainly also liked by children.

Not only ice cream, other dairy creations such as milkshakes can also be tried. Although milkshakes use milk as the basic ingredients, the taste of this drink is certainly far different from milk.

That’s because milkshakes use mixtures and toppings from other ingredients such as fruit, chocolate, or biscuits.

However, it is different from the previous dairy-derived products. Ice cream and milkshakes that tend to use sugar and additives with a sweet taste. As a result, it has a bad effect if consumed in excess by children.

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One of the bad effects is high sugar levels so that it can make children’s weight relatively tend to increase, even obesity.

Excessive consumption of cold drinks can also make your little one susceptible to colds, fever, and digestive disorders. For that, don’t give it to your little one too often and avoid consuming milkshakes at night.


If your little one doesn’t like milk but doesn’t refuse to be given cheese, then the mother can take advantage of it. Not much different, cheese can also be a source of food can replace milk.

Although the shape and taste are different, the content of cheese is no less complete than milk.

No need to be afraid your little one lacks nutritional intake, this cheese which is fermented from milk contains high nutrients, such as vitamin B12, calcium, protein, and vitamin D.

Cheese itself is one of the dairy products that is easily combined with other food ingredients. Not only bread and cakes, parents can also sprinkle them on the little one’s favorite pasta.[]

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