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“Nine Passengers and Cyclist Slightly Injured in Bus Accident in Winterthur, Switzerland”

On Wednesday morning, May 17, 2023, a bus had to brake suddenly in downtown Winterthur.

During this maneuver, nine passengers and the cyclist involved were slightly injured.

Shortly after 10.30 a.m., a number 2 city bus in Winterthur drove towards the city center on Wülflingerstrasse. At the junction with Tellstrasse, the bus fire had to stop abruptly because of a female bicycle driver. Several passengers fell and nine of them were slightly injured. The cyclist involved, a 52-year-old Swiss woman, suffered a shock.

Specialists from the Winterthur city police have started investigations into the cause of the accident. According to initial findings, the cyclist wanted to cross Die Wülflingerstrasse and overlooked the bus. The bus driver then immediately initiated emergency braking, but there was still a slight collision.

A large number of rescue services and the Winterthur city police were needed to record the accident and care for the patients. The work at the scene of the accident was completed around noon.

Source: City Police Winterthur
Image source: City Police Winterthur

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2023-05-17 12:36:06
#Accident #city #Winterthur #bus #brake #cyclist #people #injured

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