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Nîmes Olympique: Contrasting Results, Offensive Recruitment, and System Limits – National Ranking Review

The – contrasting – results of Nîmes Olympique (10th) after 12 days of National, i.e. a third of the championship, before the trip to Versailles (12th) Friday November 10 at 7:30 p.m.

Since this weekend, we’ve been looking at this National ranking, and we can’t help but grumble to ourselves, in our corner. If the Crocos had beaten the red lantern Épinal on Friday, as the hierarchy (no success during the first eleven days for the Vosges) and Mbina’s opening score after 18 seconds of play suggested, they would be fourth in the championship. Two points from the climb and the two runners-up from Red Star (29 points), the promoted Rouen and the relegated Niort, second with 21 points.

Two teams which were not superior to Nîmes during their direct confrontation, a draw with the Red Devils having led (1-1) and a victory against the Chamois (1-0).

Forced to look down

But the Gardois sank against the Spinaliens (1-3), and they are only tenth a third of the championship, within a field of four clubs (with Dijon 7th, Sochaux 8th and Avranches 9th, all 16 points). Forced to look down, with a thin mattress of three lengths on the red zone, which begins from the 13th position occupied by Goal (West Lyon, 13 points).

That’s it for the numbers. And the reality on the ground? Overall, NO starts its matches well and ends badly. Precisely, two observations stand out: the eleven type proves competitive, the bench much less so; the system put in place by Frédéric Bompard since the 5th day, in 5-3-2 or even 5-4-1, is effective when Nîmes leads, much less when it is necessary to score.

The limits of the workforce

Three or four potential starters were missing against Épinal (Burner, Mexico, Doucouré or Mbemba), and that was evident too much. Completely, the starting team is more than holding its own, with experienced players largely at National level. Including the excellent surprise Doukansy, one of the best Crocos since the start of the season.

The problem is that today there is too much of a gap between executives and replacements. In the middle, Sacko and Delpech are playing a tone lower, just like Sy and Paviot behind. Same in front for Thoumin, Laurens, Wade or Ngakoutou. “I only have one real point at the moment (Mbina), laments the coach. I try to transform wide midfielders into attackers. We do what we can with the means at hand…”

Hence the question of offensive recruitment, even if Doucouré is preparing to return (an eternal return…) and if Mbemba, after his rehabilitation at the Capbreton center, could be operational in December.

System limits

Nîmes holds National’s 5th defense and 13th attack. “We have solidified this team, we have a label, we are solid. Let’s try to continue to be solid. But in front of the opposing goal, we are not killer enough, not convinced enough, not decisive enough”, summarized Bompard before Friday’s accident.

His new system with three central backs and two pistons allowed four clean sheets in eight matches (not counting the Coupe de France), but only once to score more than one goal (2-0 at Cholet).

It’s up to him, and his staff, to find a plan B, knowing that the opponents now know the A and are waiting for the Crocos, like Dijon and Épinal recently at the Antonins.

#point #championship #Nîmes #Olympique

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