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Nicholas McGee Confesses to Gruesome Murder and Dismemberment in Brooklyn Apartment

Nicholas McGee confessed from prison that he had killed Kawsheen Gelzer (39) with a hammer and a knife and then chopped and hid her body for almost years in the refrigerator of his apartment in Brooklyn, with the complicity of his wife, according to new data revealed by the police in this gruesome case.

The crime apparently happened on March 22, 2022, but the body was not found until almost two years later, on January 22 in Flatbush. In the meantime, McGee (45) was sent to a prison in Virginia for another crime: identity fraud.

Apparently Gelzer and McGee They argued about drugs and non-payment of rent, NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said yesterday, quoted by Daily News.

Gelzer had been on the state sex offender registry since he was convicted of abusing a child. 12 years old in 2005. At the time of the crime he was sharing the apartment with McGee and his wife Heather Stines (45), sleeping on the couch.

After arguing with the suspect He waited for him to fall asleep and hit him with a hammerKenny said. “The victim wakes up during the beating and at that moment McGee pulls out a knife and stabs him.”

According to McGee, His wife was at home but did not participate in the homicide, and the body was mutilated in his apartment for several days until it began to show signs of decomposition. Then the attacker dismembered Gelzer’s 6-foot-tall, 200-pound body with a multi-tool Leatherman and wrapped the pieces in black bags, Kenny detailed, citing McGee’s confession.

He placed the bags in the apartment refrigerator, glued the door shut, and wrapped it with duct tape. He left the city sometime after June 2023, the NYPD said, and then ended up in jail in Chesapeake, Virginia. “He’s just a thief,” Kenny said of McGee. “He goes where the money takes him.”

After allegedly cutting up the body, McGee and his wife stole drugs from Gelzer’s clothing pockets and smoked them, while sharing a bottle of vodka, he said. New York Post.

Gelzer’s mother reported him missing on April 22, 2022but was not discovered until now, after NYPD Crime Stoppers received an anonymous complaint. When the officers arrived, Stine let them in and once there the police’s attention was focused on a refrigerator conspicuously sealed with duct tape. When they attempted to inspect it the tenant allegedly became combative, which led to her arrest and subsequent removal from the scene. Later she She said her husband had killed a man and kept the body in his refrigerator.

Los Distinctive Gelzer tattoos, as indicated in their arrest records, they matched those observed on the body, which aided in the preliminary identification process. Investigators showed Stines a photo of him while he was in the hospital undergoing psychiatric evaluation and she positively identified him.

Following the dramatic discovery, Stines was arrested and accused of hiding a human corpse. Her husband McGee has 15 previous non-violent arrests in NYC, Cincinnati and Kentucky, where Stine is originally from. He was wanted for seven robberies in New York at the time of Gelzer’s murder.

McGee was charged with murder and will be extradited to Brooklyn from a Virginia jail for a court hearing, sources said. All charges are mere accusations and those charged are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court.

2024-02-07 18:58:00
#hammer #knife #killed #man #hidden #apartment #refrigerator #York #Diario

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