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News from New York with a Quebec doctor

While the number of daily deaths linked to the coronavirus in New York State rose again, on Tuesday, a Quebec doctor who works in a hospital in the Big Apple gave news of the situation to TVA Nouvelles.

“The situation is still very tense here,” said Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy from the outset, in an interview with Pierre Bruneau.

“We still have a lot of patients in hospitals and in intensive care. And patients remain sick for a long time, hospitalized, on a ventilator, ”explained the specialist in cardiac surgery.

New York State has recorded 778 new deaths in the past 24 hours, up from 671 previously, bringing the toll to 10,834 since the virus reached the region.

“In the good news, the number of hospital admissions is stabilizing very significantly,” however said the cardiologist trained at the University of Montreal.

On Tuesday, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo pointed out that hospital admissions were down again, even though around 1,600 people with the virus were still hospitalized in the past 24 hours.

In several countries hard hit by COVID-19, doctors at the end of their rope have had cruel choices to make when deciding which patients to save. Fortunately, Dr El-Hamamsy and his colleagues did not have to make these heartbreaking choices in times of crisis.

Pierre Bruneau questioned the Quebec doctor about the slowness of the political and health authorities in putting in place procedures to curb the spread of the pandemic.

“When you look back, there are a lot of things we would do differently. But two months ago, few people could foresee a disaster scenario like this. We could hardly imagine that it was going to hit so hard, ”said the cardiologist who works for the Mount Sinai group.

According to him, the resumption of economic activity in New York City is inevitable in the short term. “But if we speak from a medical point of view, I think that we are still far from being able to resume activities in a completely safe way”, concluded Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy during the interview granted to TVA. News.

– With the collaboration of Agence France-Presse

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