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News Cameroon :: Culture: the urgency of releasing remuneration for private copying in Cameroon :: Cameroon news

Remuneration for private copying is an exception in the collective management of authors’ rights which aims to compensate authors, artists and producers for the private copying of their works.

Au Cameroonthe law provides for the implementation of this mechanism since 2000, but it has never been effective with regard to remuneration for private copying of phonograms and videograms.

During the 3rd edition of the networking meeting called Culturum and organized by the Pyramidion Corporation with the support of The Arts Club forum on Sunday September 3, 2023 in Douala-Logpom, cultural industry professionals called for urgent action to unlock private copying remuneration in Cameroon.

The participants recalled that the establishment of this mechanism is essential to guarantee the remuneration of authors, artists and producers, and to support the development of cultural creation in Cameroon.

The participants identified several obstacles to the implementation of remuneration for private copying in Cameroon.

The administrative ping-pong between the Ministry of Arts and Culture and the Primature with regard to the two draft ministerial decrees which constitute the latest implementing texts for the provisions of the 2000 law on copyright relating to the implementation of remuneration for private copying

The lack of education on the issue of remuneration for private copying of the authors, performers and producers concerned

Lack of awareness among manufacturers and importers of phonographic and videographic storage media of remuneration for private copying

Participants recommended the following actions to unlock private copying remuneration in Cameroon:

Intensive advocacy and lobbying with the public authorities and economic operators concerned.

The establishment of a synergy of action between authors, artists, producers, and all professionals in related trades.

The mobilization of users who practice private copying on a daily basis on the issues of the immediate implementation of an effective mechanism for remunerating rights holders.

The participants in the 3rd edition of this Sunday networking meeting, Culturum, concluded that remuneration for private copying is a priority for the development of cultural creation in Cameroon. They called for an urgent mobilization of all the actors concerned to unblock this mechanism.

Private copying remuneration is an important mechanism to guarantee the remuneration of artists and authors, and to support the development of cultural creation. In Cameroon, the establishment of this mechanism is an urgent necessity.

The actions recommended by the participants at the networking meeting are relevant and should allow the situation to be unblocked. It is important that all the actors concerned mobilize so that remuneration for private copying is effective in Cameroon from 2023.

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