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New York State Passes Law to Protect Abortion Access Across Borders

Title: State of New York Passes Law to Protect Abortion Access Beyond Its Borders

Date: June 21, 2023

The New York State legislature has recently announced the passage of a groundbreaking law aimed at safeguarding doctors who prescribe and send abortion pills to patients in other states. The legislation, which is yet to be signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul, seeks to protect physicians from legal action by anti-abortion extremists.

The proposed law stems from a moral obligation to ensure women across the country can retain bodily freedom. It aims to shield New York State physicians from prosecution in states where abortion restrictions or bans are in force. Specifically, the law seeks to protect doctors who enable women to access abortion services through telemedicine consultations and the delivery of abortion pills.

The decision to pass this law comes at a time when the United States is grappling with a fractured landscape regarding abortion rights. Following a historic Supreme Court ruling that questioned the federal right of American women to have an abortion, individual states have been granted the freedom to legislate on the matter. As a result, twenty states, primarily located in the South and Central regions, have imposed prohibitions or heavy restrictions on abortion, while states on the East and West Coasts have adopted new safeguards.

The passage of this law in New York State holds significant implications, particularly for doctors like Linda Prine, who founded an emergency hotline accessible to Americans nationwide. Dr. Prine has reported a substantial increase in calls to her hotline since the Supreme Court ruling. While other states such as Washington, Massachusetts, Colorado, and Vermont have already passed laws to protect their doctors, New York’s legislation may have broader implications due to the willingness of some doctors, including Dr. Prine, to provide abortion pills to patients.

It is important to note that the law has not yet been signed by Governor Kathy Hochul. However, her previous expressions of support for such protections for doctors suggest a high likelihood of approval. Once signed into law, this legislation will serve as a significant step forward in ensuring access to safe and legal abortion services for women across the United States.

Source: [1] “Abortion around the world. An overview of legislation…” by A Guillaume, 2018

new york abortion law 2023

New York State Breaks Barriers with Law to Protect Abortion Access Nationwide

2 thoughts on “New York State Passes Law to Protect Abortion Access Across Borders”

  1. This is a significant step forward in safeguarding women’s reproductive rights and ensuring equal access to abortion services. Kudos to New York State for prioritizing women’s health and autonomy. #ProtectAbortionAccess

  2. “The passage of this law is a significant step forward in safeguarding reproductive rights for women. Ensuring access to safe and legal abortions regardless of borders is vital in protecting women’s healthcare and autonomy.”


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