Home » today » News » New York imposes new limits on weapons on Times Square – NBC New York

New York imposes new limits on weapons on Times Square – NBC New York

NEW YORK – The Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, signed the bill on Tuesday that establishes the limits of the Times Square area in which the carrying of weapons will be prohibited even for those who have permission.

The law goes into effect Thursday and bans the use of firearms in certain areas such as Times Square. Luis Alejandro Medina with details.

The regulation thus responds to the enumeration of exceptional places where the carrying of weapons is restricted, after a federal judge last July ruled that New York could not ban them statewide as it had for decades.

Those exceptional places are the schools, the religious temples, the theaters, the transport network and the Times Square area, although there was a problem that has been solved today: no one had ever said where one of the most amorphous squares in the world.

“Millions of New Yorkers and tourists flock to Times Square to see Broadway shows, enjoy great food and take pictures of neon billboards, and we won’t let them live in fear or distrust of someone walking around with a gun.” hurt them, “the mayor said during the act in the middle of the street on Seventh Avenue.

“We will continue to work with our partners on the city council to stem the many rivers that feed the sea of ​​gun violence and keep New Yorkers safe,” the mayor said.

He also pointed out that with this law they want the 56 million tourists who will visit the city this year “to be safe” when strolling through Times Square.

Despite Adams ‘words, the rule is now in the air after a federal judge overturned parts of the text last Thursday claiming it violates the second constitutional amendment that establishes Americans’ right to bear arms.

Federal Judge Glen Suddaby’s 53-page ruling notes that the gun ban is understandable in “sensitive places,” but not in Times Square, and has granted Governor Kathy Hochul, whose government implemented those measures, three business days to look for an alternative.

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