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New trailer shows impressive graphics from Squadron 42 • Spielpunkt.net

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Overall, Star Citizen has been rather quiet in the past few weeks. Now Cloud Imperium Games is back with an impressive visual teaser that shows the graphic splendor of Star Citizen: Squadron 42. Although the optics of the new trailer are in the foreground, fans can see some changes on the ships.

Star Citizen fans are having a hard time these months. Cloud Imperium Games was stingy with new information, but recently came back with an impressive teaser trailer that gives an impression of the grandiose look of Star Citizen: Squadron 42. The visuals teaser focuses on the graphic aspects of the game – there is almost no gameplay scene.

Beta for Star Citizen: Squadron 42 planned for winter 2020

The trailer shows how well spacegames can look like. For many players, Star Citizen has become a kind of “neverending story”. Because the game has become quieter in the past few months, this “information pause” could actually mean that the title is slowly heading towards completion.

Star Citizen: Squadron 42 is a campaign release to tell the story of the multiplayer part. The playful concept is reminiscent of the classic wing commander. Well-known actors, including Mark Hamill and Gary Oldman, who embody central characters, are part of it.

Squadron 42 plays in 2945: The Vanduul attacked Vega II. The player does his military service during these times of war (completing the campaign will give advantages to the multiplayer part). The story is told in several episodes in around 70 missions with a playing time of around 20 hours.

Cloud Imperium Games presents Star Citizen: Squadron 42 at its graphical best at the end of the year. There is no real gameplay except for a short sequence, but it shows how players should move their hands in weightlessness outdoors (from minute 2:04). The feature is planned for the second quarter of 2020:

Although the visuals teaser for Star Citizen: Squadron 42 does not offer anything new at first glance, the community is eagerly discussing possible changes to the spaceships. From minute 1:55, two flying devices, not unlike the Cutlass and Mustang models, can be identified, but the details have been adjusted. There is no official information about the changes. However, fans suspect variants or modifications. Adjustments can also be seen on the Idris and the Glaive.

Star Citizen: Squadron 42 should start the final test phase at the end of 2020. The alpha campaign is to be published in autumn, the beta will follow in winter. The release of Squadron 42 could actually take place in 2021 – provided that Cloud Imperium Games can meet the schedule.

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