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New Normal, Diabetics Need Innovative Therapy …


JAKARTACovid-19 can affect almost all ages, but the data show that the elderly group and people who have a history of chronic disease (comorbid) are at risk of more frequent and worse complications of this disease. The history of chronic disease in question includes hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and chronic lung disease.

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Diabetes is the second most common commodity found, about 8% of cases after hypertension and with a mortality rate three times higher than patients in general (7.3% vs 2.3%).

“Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the highest risk factors for Covid-19 transmission. Therefore, it is important to convey guidelines and recommendations to diabetes patients and all medical personnel, especially doctors, including general practitioners and internal medicine specialists who serve patients. can provide the best service during the Covid-19 pandemic, “said Chairman of the PB Indonesian Endocrinology Association (Perkeni), Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD through his official statement, Tuesday (11/8).

Talking about specific recommendations for people with diabetes during a pandemic, every patient must be diligent in monitoring blood sugar, washing hands frequently, maintaining a healthy and regular diet, taking drugs regularly, both oral and injection. It is very important for people with diabetes to discuss with their doctors in order to evaluate the right treatment options during the pandemic for each individual, in order to achieve good blood sugar control and maintain body immunity. “In addition, for better diabetes care in the new normal era, innovative and individual therapies are needed by people with problems,” he continued.

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Head of Medical Sanofi Indonesia, dr. Mary Josephine explained that Sanofi understands that each person is unique and has a different life pattern from one another. Therefore, Sanofi is committed to providing medical innovations for better diabetes care for people with diabetes through combination therapy that can control fasting blood sugar (FPG) and after meals (PPG).

“In addition, we have conducted continuous educational efforts to ensure that people with diabetes, doctors, health workers, health facilities get the right information in diabetes management through various digital advocacy programs,” explained dr. Mary.

Hector Reyes, GM General Medicines Sanofi Indonesia said, Sanofi is committed to being an integrated health service partner, both globally and in Indonesia. Therefore, Sanofi fully supports efforts to manage diabetes in the new normal era by integrating and synergizing with Perkeni. Sanofi as a health partner, is committed to providing medical innovations, educational programs, scientific forums, and a comprehensive product range.

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