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New leaders of Cruz Azul condition Ordiales – Sniper


I hope that it is already very clear: Blue Cross It is a long novel, which will be written chapter after chapter and will have no end. When one thing is accommodated, another already needs to change places and so on.

Today I will tell you more about the changes that I advanced to you in this column a few weeks ago, about the new council that will take possession, and I am not referring to the one that put together a press conference, but to the real ones, the ones that RECORD was able to interview this end of week when they went to chat with Jaime Ordiales.

I tell you that the first thing they made clear to the sports director of La Maquina is that if he wants to work with the ‘new administration’, as was already ratified this Monday, he should stop sending messages that he works for Billy Álvarez, because officially , is already persona non grata in La Noria.

The ‘new’ leaders have already gone to mark territory. They also asked that no more of those absurd blankets that proclaimed support for the former celestial boss and things like that. The new era begins.

Of course, they told me that they will be looking after Ordiales very closely, to prevent him from continuing to work under the table for Billy and company. That is why they are still looking for a president to take over the team directly.


It is a reality that this group always thought that Carlos Hermosillo would be the ideal figure to symbolically lead the transition in Cruz Azul, an emblem that the fans respected while the change of administration was brewing behind. However, they have received bad references from the former blue striker, so much so that they tell me that now they are thinking about it, if they put it even as the decoration of the whole cake or flat, they better not contemplate it.

My celestial ear explains to me that of the presidents who have already probed to take charge of The Machine, none gave their vote of confidence to Hermosillo to accompany them at the beginning of the new adventure, and thus the return of the Big Man is completely complicated. from Cerro Azul to the heavenly institution as a leader.


Writing about ratified, also this Monday confirmed the directive of Pumas what I had anticipated in these lines: Andrés Lillini stays until the end of the current tournament, a decision that was made by Miguel Robles, who takes an increasing voice of command in the University Club. That will give Chucho Ramírez and company a chance to continue looking for a helmsman; They know that they cannot afford not to return the Argentine to Cantera, since he has done a great job with the kids and they need it.

What my auriazul ear did tell me, and I pass it on as a tip to the high plain of Pedregal, is that my Toshiro, Israel López, was not amused that they did not even mention it in the statement they issued to confirm the Lillini’s permanence. There I leave them, so that they will not have fights later.


Since at the Olímpico Universitario they are happy to let the field rest, which endured as great to host three teams in the first third of the tournament, they tell me that the people of the Azteca Stadium are crazy working on the lighting that was so criticized.

It rained everything on the new lighting on the return from Cruz Azul, as it was noted that there were sectors, such as corner kicks, that were not well lit. Well, they are already in the process of ‘propping up and redirecting’ according to what was seen in the game against Juárez, to put it in tune for America.

Well, although the people of the Colossus of Santa-Úrsule (read with the voice of the Bermúdez Dog in mind) assure that everything will be ready, my ear from the Nest tells me that until Wednesday they will be calm when they guarantee that it will be played at the Azteca on duel against Monterrey for Matchday 6. I think there will be no problem.


Since this weekend it was confirmed that the head of the Águilas recruiting and talent development area, Carlos Aviña, will emigrate to Europe, I am concerned that the board does not have the resources to bring or develop talent to fill that position. After the departure of Yon de Luisa, little by little important characters in the structure of the Eagles have left, from Mauricio Culebro, Carlos Valenzuela, Mauricio Lanz and now Carlitos, to name just a few.

At America They have been replacing these absences with people who worked in the team, so they know how it works, but there is no one who seeks to develop and nurture this talent, there is a lack of solid and experienced figure on which to turn the preparation of the staff. I hope he doesn’t hit them soon, and that my friend Juacho Balcárcel receives answers that will be needed in El Nido.

By the way, Aviña emigrated to the well-known Cercle Brugge of the Belgian First Division, but do not think that is his goal, but what the former director of América is looking for is to be able to enter the group that owns the team, which controls Monaco of the League French, to whom he aspires to have a good job as a sports director in the Bruges team. Success!


For a couple of months, RECORD told you on these pages that Jorge Sampaoli was interested in the Chilean striker of the Ti-gue-res, Edu Vargas, because this weekend my South American contacts confirmed that the offer is still valid.

The northern cats must sell the player before December, as they could go free, because their contract ends. And I give you one more for which I can assure that Edu is going to leave, for that infallible marriage law, for what a sailor does not rule where the captain commands: It turns out that the Andean man is conditioned to the entire desire of his wife, Daniela Colett, to Brazilian origin, who even went ahead of Belo Horizonte to look for a new home, so that everything is ready in the signing of Vargas with Atlético Mineiro de Sampaoli in the coming months. So all in good time, but I already anticipated what will happen.


In closing, I’ll tell you that this Tuesday the Expansion League begins, and yesterday all the Doñas Teles got together, as my company El Fantasma tells them, to refine the last details.

From the FMF was the new head of the circuit, Miguel Ángel Diez, along with the efficient multipurpose Víctor Guevara, who knows them all, and Memo Allegret, in charge of the commercial part and negotiating the transmission rights. On the part of the television stations, Beto Sosa (TUDN), Nico Romay (Claro Sports), Ernesto López (Fox Sports), Miguel García (Univisión), Ruben Arrueguín (Megacable) and even Benjamín Hinojosa, from AyM Sports, which is now which is also going to have a sign of the renewed silver circuit.

The message was clear: let everything come out at the best possible level so that a promising Expansion League is shown from the beginning. There are many clubs that are finishing putting together their projects when the tournament begins, but the idea of ​​the industry in general is to support the nascent tournament so that it is really the answer that is sought in a division of future promotion. Remember that the merger with the MLS is still at stake in a few years, and that this championship is solid is a vital point to achieve it.


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